Gun Laws 01/14/2013

Yup. Not registering an AR is only going to be a misdemeanor, and from what I’ve heard is that if you get caught, they’re going to give you 30 days to register it and you get to keep it.

Getting caught with a suppressor is a felony, and you will be painted by the media as some secret assassin baby killer before you get sent off to prison to get raped.

Turns into a felony if they “think” you did it on purpose.

even a misdemeanor would make you have to check a few extra YES’s on the background check.

If the get caught and you have 30 days after to reg it then the charge is DROPPED thats ok I guess. If not, and your stuck with a criminal charge, I assume your gun rights are stripped. I have never been in the back of a cop car in bracelets so I havnt done the homework on what will fail your BG check for firearm purchases. Any insight on that?

I legally can not purchase em new , I have felonies , misdemeanors etc . My felonies r drug related and my misdemeanors r violent lol . They r supposed to be sealed labeled y-o status . I never had a issue buying them till last yr and I got denied , went to the a.t.f for the resonable and its cause of a order of protection I got handed to me from when I told the kid that stored a stolen streetbike in my garage I was gonna beet him . That’s up now but in the a.t.f eyes I have another 2 yrs to go …how nice eh

everything law is “if you get caught”. there are crackheads that never get caught.

if you have a ar with 11+ round mag i think its breaking the law. not just a slap on wrist. any high cap mag is felony i think. most ar owners have 11+ round clips.

if you get caught and get slaped on wrist you better register the gun. or thats a felony.

a assult weapon is a assult weapon. so if you have a ar with just a pistol grip its the same as my ar with bayonet and all attachments. its still a illegal assult weapon. all classified in the same category

being a law abiding citizen is near immpossible today. if you drink a 9oz soda its illegal in nyc. j walking is illegal. why does everybody want to be law abiding? that doesnt make you better

you can not legally give me a 22lr round at the gun range if i needed to borrow it. you would have to run a nics check or break the weird law.

also if you were caught with 2 ars and ammo with 11+ round mags you would be labeled by media too. if you shoot a slienced ar your chances of getting caught drop alot. if your shooting a loud ar you will be fined faster

so many laws out there make good people loko like bad guys. the sterotype for a silencer in ny is bad. but in other states the silencer is accepted as a tool. usefull for many applications other than ninja assian.

there are silencers in ny and full auto guns. you cant buy them legally but they are here. the law didnt stop it. the law stops the good guys. the ganster still has full access to his things. just cost a bit more

meanwhile a crazy guy buys a gun and shoots schools.

they stop you from buying a gun but not some nut job? wow i feel safe here

i know people who were beat up by cops and the cop still has all his guns. but if you threaten a person with fist you get denied and labeled? but not if your police? wtf

it’s a class a misdemeanor

and it’s called a magazine

Let’s get rid of theft laws, traffic and DWI laws while we are at it.

we dont need the law part where people profit. i do believe in punishing criminals or people who go against natural laws. the act of doing the crime is bad. but i dont agree with all the laws or how they work.

if someone is harming you by all means defend yourself. if someone is stealing from you defend yourself. if someone is driving drunk pull them over. i can agree with laws like those. but laws saying you cant have this or that i dont agree with. i should be able to do what i want when i want as long as i dont infringe on other people. i shouldnt have to read a piece of paper to decide what i can or cant do. people should be able to choose. not other people choosing for others.

morals should be the “law” not someone telling you to do something. or controling you by saying you cant do this or else.

i think all people know good and bad. thats natural. if you do bad you should be punished and if you do good you should be rewarded. you shouldnt be able to label a 11+ rd mag a crime. just my personal opnion. there are weird laws i do not agree with. i do agree with some laws. we live in a prison/police state. you can do time for stupid things.

my conclusion is we need less laws. the simple natural laws or god given rights are the best

it all depends on the morality of the “criminal”.

If you “get caught”, like you are shooting a AW at a range, like you have been safely and responsibly for years you face the same charges that a gang banger hood rat would face. One who clearly doesn’t give a fuck for morality, other peoples respect or the law in general. Thats not right.

That law now becomes reactionary only. The “crime” is already committed. Criminal A shot some steel targets, Criminal B shot 3 gang members in a drive by. A was a mistake, B was not.

I am all for finding ways to prevent as best as we can innocent victims, but I know its far more feasible to catch and remove people with a properly written law, unfortunately for the victims, after the crime was committed. Talking on a cell phone ticket always burned my bridges too. Another perfect example of when a safe minded, responsible driver can carry out the act of driving and talking with one hand without causing harm to others. Dont just “catch” me at a stop light talking on my phone while you sitting in a parking lot monitoring traffic and treat me the same as a dumb bitch that cant talk and drive who just ran over the sidewalk and drove through a store front. Its not stopping either of us, but what harm to society would I do if I was never “caught”???

“Morals”, “good/bad”, “god given” hah!

I’ll believe those things once they start existing.

World isn’t black and white, it’s a wonderful world of grey.

Killing an unborn baby to save the mother or the other way around? Which is “moral”/“god given”/“right or wrong”?

If you want to keep going on this tangent I’ll gladly take you up on it. But it will be split for a whole another topic.

Laws aren’t meant to stop everybody, no law is absolute because people are immoral and don’t care for “right and wrong” naturally. Laws are made to minimize the occurrences.

Laws not made to minimize occurrences. Made to punish people through a “defined” means of punishment based on the circumstance.

The part about “protecting the public” is a political selling point. If they were, whats the point of having different fines and such?

Split 1… lets rock n roll! lol

the typical laws that do work, like speed limits and hey, don’t steal my shit, are good and work. They’re thought out and designed to regulate what 95% of the public will do. Do we all speed, sure. that 55mph zone keeps us around 65-70 for the most part but keeps a vast majority for going WOT down public highways. Always the few that don’t care and that’s where the laws come into play.

However current laws like this gun shit are just shit. they were made to forward an agenda, not to prevent people from doing what they (now) say is illegal. A vast majority of the public WON’T be following these rules, plain and simple, and it’s because we (the people) know that the laws are unjust and unconstitutional.

why are suppressors illegal in NYS? Anyone know why the law was actually written to make them illegal? I sure don’t, so one is left to think the only logical reason is because some political asshat watched a movie and saw that they “make guns impossible to hear” and said that can’t be good, so let’s make a law that bans them in the state.

Have traffic laws/speeding saved lives? Yup. Has a law against suppressors saved lives? Not that I can see. I can find no such data anywhere where a suppressor was used in a crime that resulted in death. One can be hypothetical and say well sure it has to have saved lives because nobody can be killed by one if they’re not allowed in the first place(which we know is shit anyway), but then I can say the same thing about anything else for that matter. Might as well ban wearing flip flops on public transportation because you COULD slip while getting off, fall, and break your neck.

Let me say this…I know more people that THAT has happened to that I’ve ever heard/read about people being killed by a suppressed gun…

Exactly ^.

You know where I stand. The vast majority of these new gun laws are stupid. It’s the equivalent of saying OBD2 regulation in cars will save lives. Airbags sure. Full auto “heavy regulation” sure. Seatbelts? Sure. Granade launcher ban sure. But banning evil features and pistol grips is like saying that aftermarket wheels are from now on illegal and will save lives. There isn’t a correlation.

Granted, I understand why they did it this way, as there isn’t a better way due to the variety of guns. If you wanted people to stop modding their cars, banning after market wheels would be one of the most reasonable propositions to achieve the means to an end.

However when pitman gets off on a tangent and days that all laws don’t work and criminals don’t follow them, I’m going to point out that he is just plain wrong. Even criminals follow most laws.

Just got off the phone with the NYSP hotline for the unSAFE Act.

I asked “Since one feature now classifies a semi-auto rifle as an assault weapon, if it is registered does it matter how many features it has since its classified the same way?”

The answer I got was that the “assault weapon” needs to be in the state it was in on 1/14/13. If it had only a pistol grip on that date, it can’t have any more than that even though it’s classified the same way as a pre-1994 ban with all the evil features is.

Lots of BS here, make sure anyone who is bitching about this law is at the capital on the 28th!

I dont get it, so I have gun A: Semi auro and has a pistol grip. Instant AW classification. If I put 3 more AW “features” on it, its somehow MORE than an assult weapon now? lol WTF is it considred now? and how the fuck will they know what removable and swappable features were bolted to the firearm on 1/14/13?

That’s what they’re saying, essentially. Although nowhere in CURRENT NYS penal code does it state that anything beyond the one “evil” feature makes it more of an assault weapon than before.

I asked the person if photos will be taken of the rifle during registration or on the form, but she did not know as of yet. My guess is that you’ll have to list the “evil” features on the registration form.

She also said that it has to stay in the state it is in upon registration. You can remove features, but you cannot add any more, regardless if it’s pre or post ban. She said parts can only be replaced if they need to be, like something broke and needed repair, etc…

To me, it’s such a cluster fuck that if you get caught right now with something considered an assault weapon even by old law, it’d get thrown out.

Which is “moral”/“god given”/“right or wrong”?

it all depends. i would not make that decision. the person in the situation would make the decision and it would be better imo.

laws arnt made to stop anybody is what you should of said.

naturally people do care about right and wrong. do you walk around not caring? or do you care because the law makes you care or something?

laws do not minimize any occurrence…when they banned beer/alcohol did people stop drinking? sure some did but majority did not. how does that minimize?

just because crack is legal does that mean i would do it more? helll no. its still crack just becasue its legal doesnt mean i will do it.

if a crackhead sees crack is illegal they still do it. they dont say well yo man its illegal. they say gimmie that shit

also just becasue ar15s are illegal does that mean i will register my gun or give it to my gov’t? hell no. i feel i am allowed to protect myself, defend myself and protect my rights as a american

i feel laws are made to herd the sheep and profit $$$$$. the people do not benefit one bit. if they gave me money or the people for putting a man to prison for something i would like it better. but instead who ever owns the prison profits off the tax payers money.

whos to say i didnt illegally install these evil features before the 2013 ban?

would that be legal now? because the new law is the law and it says what you said “one or more”. with both more and one in same category

also dont plan on keeping that gun you register for a long time. they will take that with the next homo’s proposal.

Again, all it takes is one of the needle in the haystack examples for one of these to get “caught” thrown out and used in a violent crime to raise all hell against the act.

What blows my mind the most about all this is how they have to be saying over and over again “Yeah I guess we should have done it differently, we can just deal with it when it happens again” kind of shit. Like they know its swisscheese and wont hold water in court, even if its enforced.