Gun Laws 01/14/2013

not to be racist but i think the affirmative action is messing up my guns

March on the capital, as a militia, with legal guns

can we all march like this: :skid:skid:skid:skid:skid:skid:skid

who has legal guns now?

marching like that is better than not marching at all. so yes by all means do so

And this I agree with. Proactive, peaceful non compliance to show this asshats that this will not be tolerated and isn’t going to solve a thing. Holding politicians hostage, or showing up at political offices with guns in hand isn’t going to make thing better for us, and that’s what needs to be conveyed to the pro gun community. These guys WANT us to do that, which will force the bigger administration to go nuts and come down even harder. We need to act but need to do so in a way that get’s people on our side, not solidify their reasoning that us gun owners are all as crazy as the media makes us to be.

The problem is americans these days. lazy ass pile of shit “americans” that are 95% talk and 5% action.

believe me if it comes down to a fucking civil way or V for Vendetta I’ll be there defending my family, my country, my rights, and my fellow americans that follow suit but until such a time comes we need to organize this on a grander scale.

Save that for the nerf gunners

104-43. On it’s way to the Gov’s desk now.

Sir vlad of shiftalot

i heard its already signed

I was physically nauseous watching him sign that bill.

I still say tell everyone not to comply with it. Fuck them.

Can’t comply when you don’t own any guns anymore. :smiley:

so what happens to 8 shot revolvers

Now Vermont has ideas about a ban. BUT, they say more discussion is needed and the governor says it should be handled on a federal level. There’s hope for us yet.

Fixed magazine. Non detachable.

Would a stock like this make it legal in NY now?

Could possibly pass as a thumb hole stock.

I give it a year and someone will develop an AR15 variant that is compliant and not called an AR15. Was there a limit on round holding capacity with a fixed magazine? If not, you could have a rifle that holds 50-rounds and is now legal. Bring it on. I’m all for new looking firearms.

Not illegal til your caught. Its not like there going door to door asking if you have guns or mags lying around.

Technically it’s not a thumbhole. The stock is separate from the buffer tube. Just sayin.

From my understanding NOTHING that holds more than 7. And if it was designed to hold 10, it needs to be fixed at 7.