hey guys i stumbled upon this online and im wondering what this is, where it came from, is it more power ? couldnt find much info about it online so i thought someone would know, kinda look like carbs. and it snot a 240sx engine bay for sure
looks like an early nissan hardbody pickup truck 2wd with the KA24E…and yes those are carbs.
lol is that and sr rad??? haha, looks awesome tho, wonder how much work it would be to set um up on a twin cam
I bet you that’s in a 510.
you beat me to it Mikey.
How much do you want to bet on this?
Just kidding, though that thing is carbed and it’s in a Datsun 1200…
It was a very popular swap over in Kiwi County.
weber side draft carbs and a TWM plenum, probably has a cam and some head work to , as for what its in, i belive is has four wheels and a floor
no roof?
are you sure they’re not; Mikuni Carbs
How much do you want to bet on this?
Just kidding, though that thing is carbed and it’s in a Datsun 1200…
It was a very popular swap over in Kiwi County.[/quote]
How can you be so sure Jantos? How can you be so sure!
It looks like a 510 bay to me.
shamless plug I got a set of Mikuni sidedrafts here taking up space
/shamless plug
Deffo a popular thing to do in the 510 world, I bet it sounds inf*ckingcredible 8) :twisted:
are you sure they’re not; Mikuni Carbs[/quote]
no they are weber, find some pics and you can tell the difference, they are the exact same weber side drafts as on the civc at ERP
Unless this sites wrong that pic is on here saying it’s in a 1200…
The site is wrong.
Here’s a 1200 bay:
Notice the strut towers are different in shape, the firewall is stamped differently, the strut bolts are oriented differently… etc
Regardless of the chassis it’s still a pimpstar setup (the carb’d KAE that is).
mikuni carb; http://home.att.net/~MabuhayCarlos/Carb.html
same pic as top, follow link and tell me they’re weber
dual Weber carbs; http://forums.nicoclub.com/zerothread?id=120036
forget it, can’t find a decent weber/KA24E picture
are you sure they’re not; Mikuni Carbs[/quote]
no they are weber, find some pics and you can tell the difference, they are the exact same weber side drafts as on the civc at ERP[/quote]
WRONG; sorry buddy we all make mistakes…
yur absolutely right , i was wrong , i actually am at the shop and they dont have the same brass caps, good call darian
tlk to u later magnum P.I.
yeap i researched a bit they are mikuni carbs, aanyway, how much power you think they put out with right set up ? reliability ?
Stock everything with Mikuni Carbs?
Probably putting out 110-115hp.
There’s no header, and it looks like his factory coil was hacked somehow (look where it is) to operate independantly.
Carbs are useful for one application (at least on a 4 cylinder). Basically for high RPM race engines. A carb can operate like a giant on/off injector. Literally at WOT, they’re open, just pouring fuel in. Reliability? Well, provided they don’t get gummed up, carbs tend to work without maintenance. But consider this too, your mixture demands will change based on elevation and temperature. Meaning your carbs must at the very least be tuned, if not rejetted at leasta few times a season. Tuning a carb is time consuming as well. Plus if you’re deaaling with multiple carburetion, you need to harmonize them. Most side draft setups don’t use an accelerator pump (especially when you use motorcycle carbs). So you have no part throttle acceleration. The accelerator pump is a little pump that gives you a squirt of fuel (not through the bowl) when you push the gas pedal. This bridges the gap between idling and driving. Because the carb needs vacuum to feed the engine, this vacuum has to be created. By squirting raw fuel into the carb, the enigine will generarte vacuum, you start to move, and the carb takes care of the rest. Without it, you’ll always get a bog when you go to move, needing you to rev the motor up before you move it. This is why all those crazy NA carbed monsters sound like they’re being driven by total novices.
Unfortunately driveability will go out the window, startup will suck.
Heh, it’s always funny to watch people used to FI engines trying to start a carby car.
Likely this guy just didn’t want to have to transplant the wiring and ECM necessary to run his KA. Plus if it’s an Aussie 510, I don’t know that they had KA powered anything, so it’s probably an easy solution to wiring it in.
Now, if it has wicked high compression, massive lift cam … power will go up, but driveability will always suffer. This is kind of why they invented fuel injection.
mmmmm… high revving racing engines with high copmression carbed that idle high… mmmmm… drools