Gym Peeps--High Protein Bread

I was at the NPC Rochester show this past weekend, and there were a bunch of booths in back showing off their products. One of them was rather interesting. based out of Syracuse, NY, was passing out samples of their p28 bread. 2 slices contains 28grams of protein and 24grams of carbs with only 8grams of fat. It is an excellent ratio. A loaf contains 13 slices, but honestly it looked like you could get a lot more out of it. I fully expected it to be like $10.00 a loaf or something crazy like that, but it is only :

$3.99 a loaf.

You have to buy it in a case of 4 for $15.97. If you think about it like this, for 16 bucks you get 728 total grams of protein. A jug of muscle milk is about 20 bucks and you get 480 grams total.

I ate all of my sample slices right there, and honestly, it was pretty damn good. It is WAY easier to eat than a protein bar or a protein shake. I would much rather eat 2 slices of this than have to make a shake or eat a bar, and then clean the shake container.

Here is their website:

I talked to the guys running the booth, and it is sold locally in the Syracuse area, and they are trying to get it spread out more in the state, so who knows, maybe it will be at Wegmans soon.

YES! I will deff try some out.

That’s pretty interesting. Just think about how much protein you’d be getting with an ookie bowl.

Haha, I’ve had this. It’s not that bad actually.

hmm…tuna sandwhich would be like 68g of Protein. :tup:

Will order.

how long until someone posts a picture of some bread they laid some baby butter on in this thread?

Going to check this out
and 260 calories in one sammy

lol I got my case today about to check it out on some high protein turkey!!! Going to have good smelling farts later

I really wish there was high-protein beer.

i know right

imagine the farts/shits after a night of drinking!

lol just ate the sandwich lol it was not that bad at all , a tad chewy but overall way better than drinking a protein shake

what kind of protein? Whey? Soy?


whey isolate

edit: holy shipping batman; $9.75 for a 4 loaf case lol