H22a in EK hatch

yeah, putting an h22 in an Ek is kinda :bloated: the mounts are expensive, the axles are expensive, the shift linkages are a bitch…i could go on. either buy another light cb7 for the h22, or sell your h22 swap and get the hatch and do a bseries swap in that. there are way more parts available for the bseries too, and a custom turbo kit is hundreds cheaper to do on them as well. the only problem i see here is the OBD2-ness…try to stay obd1 if you want to make anything other than an N/A car.

well i might have found another CB7 for 350 bucks :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: hopfully i can get it this weekend. and if i get the loan i applied for a boosted H22 will be in the works :snky: