Ha! Ha! Teh Darkstar just picked up 7 more pools.

profits calculated after labor. The lady at the property mgmt company I dealt with today did me some big favors. First, she informed me of the existance of the DCMA (Delmarva Condominium Managers Association), ov which she is the Vice President. Secondly, it just so happened that they were having their montly meeting today, so she invited me as her guest, paid for my lunch, and introduced me to several other people that showed monumental interest in the company. Once I join, I’ll get access to their mailing list, which includes just about every Home/Condo Owners Association in Ocean City so I can stop pissing away money with the print advertising I’m doing and go right to the source with a direct mail campaign. She told me that I started the absolute PERFECT business at the PERFECT time, and that I cant even comprehend how much potential it has. People were fucking FAWNING over me at the meeting, including the mayor of Ocean City. It was a PERFECT FUCKING DAY. I’m just in awe. :bowdown:

I’m setting a 30 pool limit for the first year. ~$5k profit per pool (not including the labor I’ll have to pay cause I’ll probably need at least 2 employees) = $150,000 for next summer. Holy fucking baby jesus.

There’s ~200 pools in Worcester County that use pool management companies. If over the next few years I can manage to pull 50% of the market share (~100 pools), we’re looking in the neighborhood of $400,000-$500,000 annual profit. This all assuming I dont fuck everything up.

Not bad for a pool boy. :kekegay: