
So just want to let everyone know, that cares, that on the news this morning they were saying that people figured out how to hack onto “internet explorer” and steal passwords and credit card numbers. Until they catch the people they are advising everyone to use a different browser. I went to Mozilla.com and downloaded Firefox cuz Ive used it before and its just as good. So I think everyone should do this until they figure everything out. They say you dont have to change any passwords or credit card numbers because its only affected a few people so far and those people already know who they are, so they said if it happened to you, you would know, so dont go through the trouble of changing everything…just givin everyone the heads up


You mean IE isn’t bullet proof!? No way! :ohnoes

What version of IE? Or did some retard click IWantPr0n.vbs

Probably some clown that didnt have virus software and was jerking off all day long to free streaming pr0n vidz.

P.S., google chrome FTW! :banana

heard about this a couple days ago…

basicaly its an exploit that when you got to a certain website, the “hackers” can have a code that overflows the memory of IE cauing it to crash, even thought it goes away its still open in the background in an “unsafe” state allowing them to pretty much inject and install any type of malware, trojans etc that they want.

And shawn, it effects all versions of IE

its srs bzns… not just pr0n

So someone else can use my subscription to barelyleagal.com? wtf

So its a buffer overrun of sorts…you’d think MS would have learned to prevent this ages ago…

Yeah well what do you exspect, they make a leap forward, then take 10 ass backwards steps… thats how microsoft do yo!

Its amazeing that this problem has been in IE pretty much since the beginning and they did not know about it. I would think they shoudl be able to think of this shit… Or pay someone assloads of money to try and brake it so they can fix it.

So every version of IE is affected, from the earlier version to even IE8 beta

Eh, errors like this aren’t easy to find by any means. But there are preventative measure that can be taken to prevent them.

That’s usually what preventative measures are, yes.



If it affects ALL versions of IE, why not FF?

Lets hope it doesn’t affect FF too.

Do a google search on Mozilla and how browsers originated from it.


Firefox is so much better. It’s not even comparable. I only use IE to test when I’m coding, or when I have to log into work (damn IE certificates). Otherwise, I’m Firefox ONLY.

What does FF have that IE 8 doesn’t? A web developer that doesn’t primarily use IE is a bit wierd given it owns the market.

Not sure what you are saying here? Maybe that because its open source it’s more prone to errors?

The core functionality of browsers such as IE/Netscape/FF come from Mozilla. I haven’t looked at the architecture but they should have many similiarities.

Open Source helps exploits but there are ways to rip apart assemblies.