hahahah, faggot drifting

hes from ontario too and lives in the niagara region… i think.

i saw him at a cruise night once

he had blown speakers blasting from under his home made pos front bumper, his interior was covered in fake cow material that obviously was bought from fabricland

only good thing on his car are the turbo 240 wheels and hes not even turbo

hahaha at fags


dude WTF

That guy parks at my parking lot at school. I should take a pic sometime or other but I prolly wont’ cuz I’m lazy.

go pile a shitload of roadsalt all over his car please

saw him once near kenndy and 401 when he was in the process of finishing… lots of body work

Oh, the attitude. Oh, the speed.

I have seen that car on more than one occasion at a Scarborough Canadian Tire parking lot. Apparently it’s becoming famous or something.

ahha ive seen that guy around, he seems like a good guy tho, not a ricer/prick/‘toufer’

I swear I have seen his car online before… some forum where people were making fun of him…

he has balls and hes original.

ghey ass car, ghey ass excuse for drifting, but at least he has balls for pimping a shit ass car.

That guy came to W/16 and played the IceCream song as he drove thru
the parking lot. HAHAHA.

He also came to Dr. Inks a couple times this summer…

His car is a POS, but he decked it out in true POS style. I think its hillarious
and I give the kid props, hes clearly a hillarious guy.

I wate to highschool with him, he was 2 grades below me.


Did you touch him?

Did you touch him?[/quote]
:lol: Adam you sick sick man. At least I don’t touch little boys

Did you touch him?[/quote]
:lol: Adam you sick sick man. At least I don’t touch little boys[/quote]

or the pizza guy

^ indeed.

and the pizza man came back too… a second time…

and asked for adam…

cus he touches man bums



Damn that car is pretty popular, its been talked about on various msg boards…

that is bogus!

:roll: :roll: :roll:


found these pix :slight_smile:


wow, I’ve seen some pretty nasty home made custom stuff in my day (at futureshops install bay) but the fuzz peeling off everywhere, the neon hanging from the seats… that’s pretty cheap. I’d give this guy props for doing it himself, but with the same amount of effort and money he could have dome something good, to a non POS car.

those cars are actually great cars

but this one is an exeption to the rule

i’d hit it, this guys got class!!! no, really! oh… Jesse, we all know your just jealous of his m4d drift skills!