
I sold a textbook through half.com, dropped it in a shipping envelope all taped up and sent it out. Just got this email from the buyer:

Other Comment/ Question: I recieved the envelope with no book. The envelope arrived in a plastic sleeve from the post office, stating that there was damage during handling.

would the post office really just continue to mail an empty envelope? It seems really sketchy to me. What should i do, ask for pics of the envelope? Call the post office? Contact half.com?

fightinmike had the same thing happen to him, an empty carboard sleeve showed up one day. I found it pretty funny.

Thats funny. I’m going to say if you didn’t insure the package the post office will politely say “thats your fault”. I hate the post office

is it my responsibility to try and resolve the issue though? The person took delivery of an empty envelope and they claim there’s a card attached that the post office is claiming responsibility, so should i even have to do anything or wouldn’t it be the buyers problem now in trying to get money from the post office?

stop sending empty packages


yea… ive had that happen where stuff has arrived in a plastic bag…

how did you send it? priority mail or what?

if it just went first class i think you are SOL without insurance…

its kind of your problem to take care of this unless you offered insurance and he didnt take it

yeah I am pretty sure without insurance you are screwed. I have seen mail delivered to my house in a plastic bag like that…I will ask my postman buddy about it tonight and let you know

i sent it through media mail, i dont think i bought the extra insurance i’ll have to check the receipt at home.

cool, thanks.

media mail? seriously… thats so out dated now its not even funny… ur boned if it was media mail, i dont think media mail offers insurance… cuz if u do put insurance on it it ends up priority mail …

:gotme: that’s what half.com told me to ship it as?

I rarely sell things online so i just did what the half.com emails said to do, they said to use “Shipping Method: US Postal Service Media Mail” so thats what i did

insured almost dosent matter.
i bought a ps2 with like 22 games off ebay.
The person insured it, It arrived broken.
I went to the post office, they instantly denied the claim.
Because the person i bought it from, just put it in a priority box with no packing.
I had to go back after the seller to get a refund.
They only honor insurance, if its packaged properly.

I would say the buyer is screwed. When I sell something my responsibility ends when I hand my package to the buyer/courier.

thats what i’m hoping, i’ll have to read through half.com more when i get home from work

I sold a radio and mailed it to the guy with insurance. I wrapped it in bubble wrap, put in packing peanuts, and shredded newspaper. The post office denied it for a while. Both the buyer and I contacted the post office numerous times. After about two months of me calling and bitching I gave up. I don’t know if the guy ever got his $250 bucks, but I haven’t heard back from him.

All in all they suck, and your prolly fuck’d.

< insider info…

p.o. employees stand in the center of a room about 50 feet long and hurl parcel post/media mail packages into little carts for the carriers. if you don’t have that shit packaged well, you’re screwed.

it’s not always like that. but that’s usually the case. don’t ship a 10 pound book in a little paper envelope and you’ll be ok.

you people drive me crazy when you tell me you package stuff up well and you have a box held together with regular scotch tape and no bubble wrap/peanuts. we don’t wrap your stuff up for you. that’s ups, and they charge you to do that too.

and yes you can insure media mail. it just goes slower. and it’s not “dated”. it’s a service provided to help students get their books around the country in a less expensive way.

so it was the buyer’s responsibility then to get money from the post-office? You didnt have to refund the money to him?

fucking half.com has a buyer protection policy that states i’m fully responsible, i have to issue a refund :mad:

I guess I spoke too soon the other day when I posted because I received a letter inside a USPS envelope that same day that said: “Contents loose inside during shipping” haha.
How much of a refund do you have to cough up?

That certainly happens.