Halloween ideas: people w/mohawks

I cut a mohawk saturday and I like it, and hence want to keep it for a while

halloween is coming up. this kind of limits my costume ideas (cause I can never find a decent wig for a costume without spending $60 bucks).

so what halloweenable characters have had mohawks?

So far all I could come up with is deniro from taxi driver



mr t

bahaha MR T FTMFW!

yeah mr T is a given



:tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup: :slight_smile:

dre, be heroin bob, just sit around and drink mickeys all night

but don’t die. only posers die.

ya if anyone offers you pills for your “headache” do not take them

3 out of 1,000 will know who Heroin Bob is.

ya but those three are the cool kids

attn: 92slowcivic
ill wait till he chimes in, he has disappeared and i cannot find him lol

sorry, i was outside shooting a pumpkin. that is so weird that you mentioned deniro because i was told on friday that i should be him for halloween. i’m actually thinking about doing it because my original idea of being ace from the ambiguosly gay duo might be shot because “gary” might not be allowed at the party i’m going to. anyway, i vote for deniro, unless you are a big black guy, then mr. t is the obvious choice.

Travis Barker FTW. I might be him actually.

puck from the real world San Francisco. You can make a scab scrapbook for props. /gay idea.



/thread, do not pass go, do not collect $200 be sweet and go as the bad guy from road warrior.

PS does anyone else wonder where all the football shoulder pads came from in post-apocalyptic australia?

last of the jewhekians

Find a buddy who is going bald and…



:word: best idea ever