Halo 2 ?

Did everyone get halo 2 that wanted it? A friend of mine has a extra one (new in wrapper).

That game better be fuckin good. I took a buddy of mine to get his pre ordered copy last night at midnight and waited in line for an hour and a half with him. I didn’t get home till almost 2am for a god damn video game.

i was dissapointed…and i dont even like video games very much

standing in line waiting for a video game…nerd!!!

technically it was my buddy. He doesnt have a car so I offered to take him. I guess I’m a nerd by association.

i like it, parts of it i really think they could have did a better job on. but over all its good

I heard the ending was pathetic.

yeah thats really the worst thing in the game. Ending does suck anus.

so you got it yesterday and already beat it??? :wtf:

actually, slowkid02 and myself got to play it on thursday, so we’ve seen it. but i stood in line for about an hour last night to get it. i say it was worth the wait.

but how did you see ‘the ending’ is this not the end the game, as in , you got the game and beat it already?

or did you watch the ending elsewhere, thus ruining it for yourself?


They watched me beat the game before it was released so they kinda ruined it for themselves.

i wouldn’t say i ruined it. i mean, the storyline is incredible and all, but i want it mostly for the multiplayer, so it doesn’t bother me. plus i don’t remember much of it anyways

zelda was so much cooler

thank you… i was going to say…

its not bad, personally i like the first one a little better. but the dual weapons shit is great…

Ehh it had a good story line but the graphics, umm well, you either love or hate em.

Just wait til the new one comes out next year.

Who gives a fuck about single player.

Multi is where its at. I played about 25 min of single and jumped right one live because 6 of my buddies from Cal were all on playing.

Multi is what halo was all about, fuck the single player, its fun, but Live is fucking awsome.

multi player is were it’s at… and john i beat it too with you at foo’s( i get no credit) :frowning: . Thou john did beat it at his house with nobody around. When everyone saw the ending it was at foos.

Blue Rules :boink :bigok:

Ok bryan you helped me the second time around. Happy