Hamilton Police Advisory - LOOKING FOR BLACK S14

Either a coupe, convertible or hatchback.

Its an s14 right? Maybe even an 94 lol

I almost bought a black 94 RHD S14.

^^ True story. We got an email, like that one, at work the other day.

My co-worker came out sayin “so that’s why you painted your car”… at this point I didn’t hear the story. Jackass.

Fkin ass holes raising my insurance… glad the guy on the bike was okay tho.

MTO Blitz on every Nissan Altima/Maxima they can find.

probably wasnt even a nissan, the police thought at one point Paul Bernardo’s car was a Camaro for fuck sakes and it was a s13 hatch . . .


reallly? creepy…coupe ftw

yup lol http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/bernardo/12.html

but not to get off topic this is gay, hit and run is a pussy move, if you hit someone and was an accident you should own up to your mistake and accept the fact you fucked up.

^driver was probably suspended, or uninsured… or drinking

that is my guess as to why someone would do something so cowardly…

except im pretty sure they have the mirror off the car

meh mirror or not can they prove it was from an s14 pretty sure that nissan made more then one KH3 painted car, g20 infinity , the new g37 is this color too, maxima just to name a few. it was an old person that was hit and it was dark out so chances are they just picked out some random car to fit the profile. They could be right or wrong is all im saying.

^ if they weren’t certain of the make of the car they wouldnt of sent out an advisory for a specific make and model car

+1 this bullshit like all night every night between Barton and the overpass on Grays.