Hand Helds!!! BAN!!!

i am the law

true story:

few years back i was sittin at a red light downtown hamilton not wearing my seatbelt in my fishbowl coupe.
there was a cop sitting adjacent to me at the other light starring at me givin me this death look, i smirked at him.
my light turned green so i started driving, the second i couldnt see him anymore i tossed my seatbelt on and kept cruisin.
2 seconds later the fukr comes flyin around the corner with his lights on, crosses over into oncoming traffic just to catch up to me. he gets behind me, i pull over.
come to my window and says “i could clearly see back there that you werent wearing a seatbelt, you even looked at me and smirked like a smartass, i can see your wearing one now, but you weren’t back at that light”
i said “sorry, not me officer. i never put my car into gear without my seatbelt on, must of been someone else”
he luaghs and says “ya right, i seen you clear as day”
i said “ok whatever, i dont have all day, give me my ticket i know u cant prove shit, i’ll fight it, see u in court”.
he said “im not guna waste my time cuz i know i cant prove it, but here take this muffler ticket, cant fight that”
i literally started laughing ripped the ticket out of his hand and drove away with him still standing beside my car.
i payed the $50 or whatever ticket that doesnt affect my insurance.