hangover help...

i drink gatorade… anything to rehydrate myself.

tough it out. dont be such a pussy about it. gatorade helps.

lol I’m actually feeling pretty good right now :slight_smile:

just tired and for some reason, extremely warm

a shot of what you were drinking last night you’ll be fine

^hair of the dog that bit ya

lol I can never do that

smoke weed. Perfect thing to do for 4 reasons;

  1. Takes away the headache

  2. Gives you cottonmouth, so you have no problem drinking glass after glass after glass of water

  3. Makes you hungry, so you get your appetite back, and can actually hold food down

  4. Makes you tired, so you can go back to bed and sleep it off till you feel better

I always take these pills called Betagard when I plan on getting really drunk. They supposedly cleanse your system or something, I don’t know, but they work! I’ve taken them when I’ve woken up, went back to sleep and woke up feeling better. That and water, lots of it.