i know a lot of people generally go with aftermarket front bumpers if they want or need more ducts, but i find most of them to be ugly. not to mention urethane holds up a lott better then fiberglass.
so im curious if anyone has added ducts into the lower portion of their pig nose fronts. im in the process of doing so right now. left side for an oil cooler, right side for my sidemount IC. ive seen 2 pictures of european 200sx’s with a vent for the stock side mount, but never anyone in north america.
im in the process of doing this, and as we speak the paint is drying. glitter black brooo
i think it looks pretty sick. i had to trim the foam bumper support a slight bit because of the way the fiberglass folded upwards. other then that they just stay in by themselves. ill probably throw double sided tape on eventually so that they form even better with the bumper.