Has anyone done SPL

my other car i ran for the past two years

The S13 is in bolton huh, where!?

that will be awesome, I read all about you guys on the CCA, but I was not very active on that forum because my season did not go as planned… Well you have the experience to do it… that aveo is crazy… he was like 150 or 151 at when the next closest guy there was like 146 (at the all tech show at least I remember because after he knocked me out I was watching him take everyone else lol) … if your s13 follows suit I don’t think you will have a problem getting loud lol

haha no way, thats cool, I haven’t seen her since the summer… I used to see her like once a week at the shop, her car came along way this year… really nice stuff.

I’ve been running this tribute, but it has not made quite the mark other cars have… yet

The s13 in right down town at my freand house, that where im going to build it this winter. Don Aveo was loud, next year is going to be crazy with that car it getting a hole re-amp, it will be nuts

Dude with Time and a term lab (that i have) and the right box that thing could slam. adam build great stuff look what he did for jess and justin

Behind the Timmies? If you guys need anything let me know. I may have parts or just random shit you should buy from me.

dude i post i need parts bad just the wanted fourm

I’m hoping so! Jessica’s car got sooo loud during the year, and Justin’s was also very impressive, so I’m sooo looking forward to the next season, I can’t wait, I have talked to Adam about the box situation so he has some ideas… lol it’s going to be a good time.

im hosting another show Dec 28 at 20HZ on 50 just past 7

I wouldn’t mind coming to spectate lol I had to garage the mazda because Im at school now, but I’ll let some people know hopefully you get a nice turnout.

after i get everything worked out with Frank at 20 hz ill post it up and ill let Adam know and try and get some of the all-tech boys and girls out

cool sounds good

when i saw the title SPL i thought it was splparts.com … and then i read the post and

so this is sound competition baller stuff and NOT suspension baller stuff…

Ya i am not really an SLP guy personally but I do work for Mitek so that does keep me very involved with this stuff.
Personaly I am a simple SQ guy. :slight_smile:

I think all Tech deals a little with Joe us (Mitek)

Hmmmm maybe I might come to this SPL comp

DOOO IT always a good time at a show… SQ is nice… but you need a little spl once in a while.

Ya, and I do get my fill with other peoples cars.

I just love sitting me my car and having other people sit in and the only thing they say is “WOW”. that is what I love. and I really like doing it with equip that is affortable.

sq is nice when done right, it can be quite impressive. Plus you don’t get grouped with any and everyone with a sub who plays it loud at 2am down a city street… (not that sq can’t be loud… you know what I mean)

of course, maybe it is also because most of the people I deal with on a weekly basis are always talking about loud.