has anyone noticed.........

hank is def one step above them both. and he has multiple excuses. ie, age and finger size.

yea hank has good excuses for why his typing looks like he was just smashing the keyboard…b/c he probably was

you guys forgot 88slowmaro for the worst sentence construction :crackup

yeah but with 88 at least if you just ignore the run on sentences and periods you can understand what he’s saying. Some of the things that pete writes, i read 4 or 5 times before i get an idea of what he might have been trying to say.

wat? :crackup jk jk

yo MY peanut butters I gotta sick smart car wit a Maserati motor that shit does like 300 mph on central ave all day. I’ll beat up mk04’s face with my burnout. yo i’m sayin, if billy’s and mk04 face were a not as sloppy as my gurls pussy, I’d cum on it. all day while i kick my jet engine on in me smart car. for real.

I’m the best mechanic there is. I’ll fluff anyone of you at the lot. with a feather. and I’ll blush. It will be more embarrassing than the time you got caught masturbating by the mailman.

hahaha, pics of the Smart?

hahahhahah omg

haha just out of curiosity is this adam stevens?? haha you only have 1 post and you said you made an account today.

yes it is so you know i’ll beatz your face

hahah stfu adamn your a bitch. you still lookin for a teg?? i think i found one for you

by the way, your 335 is dogshit and i’ll piss in your tank next time i see it. for realz.

ok so lets stop being a homo and talk about stuff your actually gonna do since i could beat your bitchass down :lol. i found you an integra.

your right lets stop talking like this is adam cuz its not and the only thing your beating is your dick. I’m still peeing on your car. and in it.

then who is this

his email address is lozanomark so… :ponder

and his aim is fuck+billy?? im sensing some major homosexuality right now

yes my email is mark lozano… so… you, bavarian rocket scientist, should be able to deduce that my name is mark. I have left my email for you to see, unlike you other bitches.

Back to you “beating my ass down”…

I wonder if i can fit my whole sack in your gas nozzle…

i vote ban under the conditions of an invalid email account, and creation of a user name for the sake of causing a disturbance.

hahah chill bro i thought you were adam