Hatch > Cobalt SS (non supercharged)



haha i knew it… just didnt know the full story.

the story is not nearly done yet…

Yeah but Bill…you’re fuckin siiiiiiiiiiiiiick at driving you’re forgetting that.

oh trust me i think everyones story is no where near done yet on this board.

sometimes :snky:=people not wanting to make promises about stuff they have because they don’t want to look like a jackass if they for whatever reason can’t get it done or something changes.

:tup: good kill.

this is quick for an LS hatch i’ll give it that. I was surprised. Not like OMGWTFABORTION but for an LS hatch decent

^^^makes sense but, thats not what he typed originally…

those who know me know what i have, and i would appreciate your :snky:

THAT is being :snky:

…and it doesnt always = feeling like having “one over” on someone. I guess some people, NOT Vandit in this case…just like to say their car is slow, so they can get a race and smoke the person. Orrr, some people feel like they are “exposed” if they tell people what they have. I dont know why, not too many people money race here.
But, whatever.

money racing is everything! id rather have fun pulls because my car isnt fast.

Yeah, I DEF. like fun runs alot more. Not as much gripping, u lose its just like, “ehh, oh well” Instead of losing a couple hunder that could of made your car faster. plus u make friends racing for fun instead of creating enemies.

lol. The only good things about this car is the fact that Hybrid helped with it, and where the motor came from. lol.

I won’t even get into the driver. :smash2:

watch it there skrapps… i know where your car sits… =)

maby, just maby if your real lucky, you will get some of it one day…


that is, post snail…

i could care less eather way…

i took a beat to hell 1995 eg, and i want to complete my dream before i go showin it off… i look up to many people on this site, skrapper mainly, and see what they have in envy, i am finally after 4 years in a postition where i can create my own (in the end it may only be a slow hatch) but at least i can say i built it, and that is way more than most your guys can say… so it makes me happy… Carnut made it possibe for me to get this mechanically sound, i am doing all the body work/ interior, and its kinda close, just not yet…

the kill story was not to do this disclaimer, only let people know that i finally have a “cool car”, or at least in my eyes :wiggle: :smash2:

edit: besides, this site shouldent be “my dick is bigger than your dick” even know its taken that way, but rather see it like a way to meet people who are intrested in all the things you are… w/e im done

Come on now, you know where we live :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. I don’t think its being one over someone in his case but i agree with you. If you are snky about your project for any other reason other than you don’t want every sack rider bothering or your shit getting stolen (ie your trying to sandbag and you don’t ever race for money) you are gay. End of thread.

Dons the man, now we can end it…

lol Who the fuck cares if he doesn’t want to say what he has…it’s not that hard to make a car that light into a 14ish second car.


and even into the 11’s =)

Right On! Who wants meatloaf?!

when u get ur turbo let me know i would deff like to run ya