Have you ever been arrested?

It was just the holding center…gosh

Mine was dismissed as the cops unlawfully entered my home but I was nothing but polite during questioning it was just a bs charge.

Kid damaged personal property, started a fight, lost, and because he got his ass kicked his Mom thought her little baby would never do any of that and figured lets press charges.

Spent a night in Buffalo city jail…not fun. The cells are painted pink because it’s a calming color haha

once for aggravated assault.

I got placed in the holding cell down there because I left my ID at home and it was gross. Stuff wrote on the walls in brown ink, but they don’t give you pens… nasty.

not yet…

lol, the crack head whores flashing there titties across the way in the holding cell was both calming and comical.

once for underage drinking yay!
and traffic stuff.


Yes not traffic related. Charges were dropped because the prosecution was completely unorganized and kept making up shit over three days of court. Judge finally had it and threw out the case.

once for trespassing and once for being involved in the blowing up of a bomb and by being involved i mean i walked around a corner saw some people that i knew and then a bomb went off…then got ratted out by someone who was their…hahah good friends right?

you from Lackawana? Have 5 other friends maybe?

yes, in GA, thanks to a car dealer in NY fucking up my insurance paperwork.

had that one too. Although there was no arrest. Car was impounded. THAT was a fun weekend.

haha no why same incident perhaps and friends can suck:spank:

Yeah I wondered the same thing… except people must have used their nails and teeth to scratch stuff in the walls.

The worst part was the next morning waiting to see the judge. They put about 15 guys in a small closet sized room handcufffed to one another. The guy on my left was covered in dried up blood (fight at Witch Doctors) and the guy on my right tried blowing up his wifes car with her in the driver seat. Very colorful characters.

Did you get a cookie and cup of coffee in the morning?

LOL na I was only in there for a maximum of 15 minutes while the officer drove to my house and got my license and brought it back for me.

It was funny listening to everyone in there complain about their bologna/chicken parm breakfast though and watching some coke head on the floor go into convulsions.