Have you ever felt so lazy..

OT posts don’t count so that number is rather irrelevant for the purposes of this arguement.

thats not as bad as the dickhead to bowl contact (on public toilets) god thats always the worst and I feel the need to shower with rubbing alcohol instantly

You’re rather irrelevant. The post count doesn’t lie.

Your argument only holds water if the Admin were to update the… oh.

I had one the other day that I was going to send you, but after I took the pic I got kinda grossed out by my own shit. That thing had legs and fur.

Or you get the surprise cold water dip… ugh.

Elongated bowls at home FTW.

Or when there is an orphaned pube on the bowl and it touches Jimbo Jr??

I’m glad I’m not the only one who sends phone pics of poop.

I am no fan of the French but the bidet is probably one of the greatest inventions ever made.

Did it wink at you too?

I Never use public bathrooms for a number 2.
I’d shit in a potted plant first.

I Took a giant bear shit the one day, and got up before i wiped (because tp ruins a good pic)
snagged a phone pic, and sent it to my Ex girlfreind.(she was already an ex)
The subject was “thinking of you <3”
Hahahahaha, she didnt even get pissed :frowning:

Two words: Baby wipes.

If you’ve ever had ETS tacos, hot, then you know you need these things.

yikes… send me a pic of your poop… it will be the last time you ever did… I have a few saved up in the phone :slight_smile:



Im surprised its only taken 3 years for this thread to appear on nyspeed.

i am also glad it is not me who OP’d it.


^^in case anyone was interested, theres some quality bombers in the world.

Way ahead of you. Baby wipes are not flushable unless specified so I got the flushable wipes in the toilet paper section of weggies. Jungle ass is a thing of the past. :slight_smile:

I didn’t say for you, you are just a gracious gift-giver. :kiss:

Thanks to Slowcarfastdriver, I always get Johnny Cash’s ‘ring of fire’ in my head when I get the battery-acid-anus.

don’t click that link, ughhhhhhhh:banghead:


and it makes, a firey ring

hahaha, i’m whistling that as we type.