Have you ever moved away from your home town?

And not just for college. I went to Buffalo for college. Ended up living and working there for a couple years.

Obviously, I loved it, but the economic situation was kinda depressing and I couldn’t find a jobby job that used me for me.

I’m curious to see how many people actually lived somewhere else before saying “no, Buffalo is the best!” or “Rochester > *”

I hadn’t planned on leaving Buffalo until I met my fiancee…now i’m in Rochester.

I spent 14 years away in DC. I came back to be near family etc.

Always Here, although I travel about 14 weeks a year for work.

Moved to Detroit after college for a job. Stayed there a year, didn’t like Detroit or my job. Moved back to Buffalo and got a better job.

Sounds like my story, I moved right after college to Detriot also. Ended up finding a job in Buffalo a year later and moved back.

Born in Europe, lived in buffalo, moved to SC, back in buffalo 'cause it’s my favorite.


I got a great job after college in buffalo, otherwise i’d be in the west.

I lived in buffalo for 5 years during college. Then I moved to NC. I couldn’t go back to the lifestyle in the NYC/LI area. Just wasn’t/isn’t for me.

Grew up in Minnesota, went to college in Cleveland where I was working towards an automotive design profession. 4 years into school, and an internship later, I realized that industry wasn’t the dream I thought it once was. Switched my focus and wound up getting a job here in Buffalo. Been here 4 years now, but my time is dwindling as I’m ready to make a change and head out west. Buffalo has been very good to me, and I’ll never have any bad words to say about it once I’m gone.

I feel that.

rochester to buffalo, and soon to palm beach. (ill let you know how it goes)

Buffalo, school in rochester… the moved to DC area… I debate every day about coming back to buffalo… but I also debate everyday about NEVER going back.

It’s a neverending cycle.

Lived in Buffalo and Pittsburgh, currently in Cleveland.

Buffalo for my whole life but seriously considering relocating to San Diego in 1-2 years when I’ve got the scratch. If it wasn’t for family I’d have left when I finished grad school.

I’ve moved around my whole life.

A few cities in Canada, then to here my senior year of HS. Hawaii, back. And considering Hawaii again.

I moved from New Hampshire to Rochester for college, lived there for about 4 years until I met my wife, so I move out here to Buffalo where she originally lived, I had no ties in rochester so it was easy. I plan on moving back to New Hampshire to be near my old friends and family, I just have to convince the wife first.

I dont think that I’ll really miss the city, just the friends, ability to do whatever/whenever, affordability, knowing a place very well (comfortability), and the fact that I never get in trouble here while riding/driving.

(im legitimately concerned about florida laws and motorcycles)

as far as the climate, the horribly maintained roads, etc etc, I doubt I’ll miss that stuff.


And I am seriously looking around.


and I drive about 14-15 hrs a week for work. It sucks. I don’t plan on staying in this area too long but who knows…