I can’t speak for most girls, but I definetly have pretty gross conversations among my girl friends and I. The period ones are the best.
I think I shit myself in the 3rd grade. Barely remember, repressed memory I suppose.
best shit story I ever heard was from girl who had to diarrhea shit while at the Tanning Bed… ended up shitting in the mini garbage can and then tied up the garbage bag and snuck the crap out in her new Prada purse… epic shit story
Anyone notice how when you gotta shit really bad, being in the car with the heat on makes it THAT much worse
yup I usually roll the windows down hahahhahh
I once was in a dive bar in my home town and out of nowhere I had to shit and it was ready to go that moment. No way was I shitting in that bar so I ran out of the bar and through the parking lot into another back lot that was another business that was closed. I shit all over the side of their building, luckily I felt like I should just take my pants completely off otherwise it would have been a shitty night. And the plant i shit behind had good wiping leaves but ya I still went home and took the rape shower
This is all i can think about this
God I wish I felt like adding to this right now but I bet I’ve TKO’d more shitters than everybody on here put together. Breetime you definitely fucked up by not taking a picture if this was as gruesome as you say.
This man is completely on another level when it comes to destroying toilets. It would probably blow 98% percent of the general public’s minds if they knew.
Wow. Pure class right here.
Bump for a good laugh
I always wondered what people were thinking when you walk into one of those Armageddoned public toilets. I always thought someone had a very sick sense of humor. I also noticed this…you can be a half hour away from home and be relatively fine until you make that last turn on your street. The body knows and no quarter is given.
How did I miss this thread? I just golfed with Bobby a week ago, I will have to tell him there is a review of his place on here. Lol
EDIT: I think this not the place I was thinking of.
If you have shit your pants, chances are you have also run out of gas.
No full on loss of control, but a minor slip while very ill, so I’m not innocent.
I’ve done it twice… both times I was massively sick with a gastric bug… Both times I ended up in the ER.
The first time I did it at the onset of the sickness, thought it was a fart… nope. Ended up going to the ER the next day due to HORRIBLE chest pains (via ambulance); I swore I was having a heart attack.
The second time was much worse… Mothers day this year, had some bad chicken wings the night before; and got HORRIBLY sick the following morning. Spent about 6 hours on the toilet and puking, essentially coming out both ends. Once the uncontrollable shakes kicked in, I told my wife we gotta go… We live about 5 mins from the hospital… I made it 4 mins before I started puking out the window and futilely trying to keep from going out the other end… I failed. Luckily I had my gym stuff (spare shorts) in the truck and the baby’s diaper kit (baby wipes), so I didn’t have to walk into the ER covered in shit. Docs thought it was my appendix from the pain I was in. Found out I don’t like to breathe on Dilauted; it’s a weird feeling forgetting to breathe. Turns out it was just really bad food poisoning.
Ive had to throw away perfectly good underwear before but never the pants…
This for me, once when I had the flu but I caught it before it went full bore