have you ever sh!t your pants?

A good friend of mine got shit ON during a sex related mishap.

Old story, but senior year of college Sunday morning hangover. We were in my buddies living room counting up some change for $5 footlong. (yes, broke as shit at this point in my life)

I was in the baseball catcher stance, thought I could squeak out a fart. Black death from the night before made it’s way out instead. That was fun.

^^Cleveland steamer?

What about the girl who shit herself?

Must know more.

What about floor shitter!

God I still hate that girl.



Oh god I forgot about that girl shitting herself. RIP my shoes.

Tell the story. It should be told from time to time again.

Hopefully not while chowing…blahhh

I have come close a few times when I got into the bathroom and just barely gotten my pants down in time but never actually shit my drawers before.

I was waiting in a line at the chicken wing fest a couple years ago when a man emerged from a stall kicking something along the ground. I looked at him and he embarrassingly said that the wings didn’t agree with him and that others should use the other stall if they had to go. I can only imagine that it was his underwear and didnt venture into the stall. It had to be bad for him to be warning people.

I’ve shit my pants before, it was a shart that squirted on my underwear and I had to deliver packages the rest of the day… It sucked and smelled bad, true story.

Not the least bit surprised actually. You scum bag.


Shit happens, no pun intended.


What can brown do for you?

Just remembered I stumbled on this cruisin the time vampire last week. Seemed appropriate.


buncha really attractive dudes up in here.

Thought about the OP’s story in a meeting yesterday, had to leave the room, couldn’t contain myself about how detailed his story was. LoL