HC - Effective Immediatly

^^^word…i understand that with people everywhere…it’s hard to get shit done, and i know you guys try to get things done as soon as possible…but with pople in and out all the time…that does complicate things…so :tup: for wanting to have better business

…and therefore, better services for customers. heartily agreed.

:tup:Guys, I found out today that you can go to Hybrid and shoot the shit with Don and Lee…

… you just have to buy them shop equipment.

See someone really understands…I would love to sit and talk and hang out all day but then i would not get work done and as a result I would have to close my doors. That would suck

On that note as well i have no problem with jokes thats cool, i bust balls with the best of them. The way it seemed to me is that some people were actually taking offense to the fact that we were trying to up our productivity.

think of this whole situation as an inverse relationship. as social traffic through the shop increases, productivity, efficiency, profitability, and cash flow decrease.

for a small business, that is a lethal combination.

xander’s observation that don’s request is an attempt to make it easier to discipline himself and his employees from socializing even though they would like to is quite accurate. its really hard for don, lee, gary, and josh to NOT talk to people and give them their attention when they show up, because they are nice guys.

basically, don is realizing that certain things need to change in order for hybrid to continue existing, but to continue to grow. ultimately, as his friend, customers, and/or competitors, we need to realize that his request is one that makes perfect sense and is nothing but reasonable. however, if the request doesnt make sense to you, then i guess that is just too bad. HC made the best decision they could for their business… and we all have to respect that.


well said sam…

I completely back up Don 100% on his choice. Anyone who is butt-hurt about the whole thing needs to grow up and realize the big picture here.

YES, we finally got the REAL Don back!!! I was wondering when that personality will come forth again, I was getting nervous with that perpetual smile and joshing around from you.

We love you better when you have the temper of a hippo with a hernia.

Anyway good call on the policies, mate.

:word: i could see how all the commotion was keeping you guys from your work and i hope i wasnt too much of a distraction. i just hope you dont mind me stopping by from time to time to say hi cause you guys pretty much live there.


Isn’t this the policy of all shops? It’s common sense to me.