HDM hydraulics??

I was looking into a job change since I really hate my job now and was wondering if anyone works there or has heard of the company, pay, environment… They have a job fair saturday which I may attend but I just never heard of anyone work there or of the company.

They are very busy right now. They have alot of CNC machines and welders. Shop is kinda dimly lit the last time I was in there. That’s all I got.

I was going to go there as a welder, but their work is pretty shitty.
all crappy quality mig work… I’d be ashamed to put them as a place I used to work at on my resume honestly. :\

As far as a shop as a whole, I asked my dad and he said it’s a shitty terrible company.
This was back around 2000-2002 or so. He said guys used the coolant buckets for machines to spit their chew spit in.

But if ya need a job, a job is a job.
I gave them a salary requirement of a minimum of 38k provided excellent benefits and they gave me a call back… so I assume they’ll pay pretty decent.
But then the impression I got is that they’ll dick you around.
I believe the girl I spoke with was Jessica… or something with a J.

They have a pretty decent website with all their product line on it… so you can get a good overview of what they do and what to expect.

I quoted them on replacing every one of their welding powersources with Miller Axcess machines and feeders. They wanted to data log every weld/parameter, arc on/off time, ect. Excellent idea for tight quality control, still haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

Hmmmmm. I’m currently on the job hunt. I’m such of being screwed over by my boss and expected to do a million things and he gives me one of the lowest raises. I have tons of experience. I really wish I could land a job with csx or northern suffolk. They seem like they pay good money.

They are a client of ours, and we handle their IT… Yes, they are very busy. As far as what they do, and how they operate, I can not comment.

They’re somewhere around 10k each for the 300 aren’t they?
That would be a nice sale for you, lol.

I worked there for some time, let’s just say 10+ years but was not a shop employee. What skills do you have or are you looking for on the job training?

mig welding, electrical , assembly ,very minor cnc …

I know a couple engineers there but can’t really comment as I’ve never been there and they don’t complain about the place.

If you know how to pull a mig trigger it seems like they’ll hire you.

It’ll be hard work as they expect a lot of you. Very hot in the summer. Pretty much as much OT as you want to work.
If you’re willing to work hard its a great place to get skills and training too.

I know a couple engineers there but can’t really comment as I’ve never been there and they don’t complain about the place.

I know every engineer thats worked there for the last 15 years. You know current or previous engineers?

Some of the top people have left to work at other cylinder companies but that was a while ago. That’s all I got.