Heading to lafayette la, for a job...

How is it down there? I’m leaving at 6am for a job interview with a multi-billion dollar oil company. Everything paid for, so at least its a nice little vaca.

Wish me luck on the interview, and I hope the offer is good.

Otherwise find me a job around here fellas! lol

good riddance

honestly, its sort of shitty and depressing, ungodly hot and humid at all times… I would say B-lo>Lafayette

I wish people had credit in that area, and didnt suck so much.


Theres Louisiana for ya, alot of water, wreckage, and well the pictures speak for themselves…
Have fun D-Bag and send me a post card :slight_smile:

The job wouldn’t be there asshats, that is just where the interview is! I would be working elsewhere!

Anywhere east of texas I would want to stay away from… but youve known me long enough to already know that which is why Id expect youd feel the same. But money can talk, and by elsewhere you mean an oil rig off the coast of lousiana. Id lose my mind if I was doing that, and you see them guys paddling in the boat with a shovel, yea, theyll catch ya on that oil rig, dont worry they can paddle pretty hard

Well then you may want to edit your misleading title and first post. Asshat.


The hair that is located around the rim of the nipple.
Dude, that guy has a ton of renzo.


^^ Wow perfect definitions of renzo lmfao


Renzo, where the shit would you be working then?

Good luck.

off the cost or Alaska…there is also one in either bradford or warren pa…

I want Alaska…

I love them definitions!!

I’ll be down in La until sat…

$$$ talks baby…it might just be a 2 year thing…depends on the money though. :slight_smile:


So when you move can I use the jeep as my winter car since you won’t be?

Good luck man, hope it works out.

hope you get it buddy congrats.

Thanks guys! It is 90 and sunny here!! Whoot… I can’t wait to get some craw fish in my belly… I ate fried chicken at 9am this morning…

Ok well stop wasting your time sitting here on nyspeed and do something while your down there you waste…

Just got done talking and eating and checking out a rig…and i’m really tired…
I will post up info on it if anyone wants to know the ins and outs of working on an oil rig later…
