Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

Just to get this straight.

Those that work typically have health insurance. (With exceptions of retired, business owners etc). The majority does.

Those that don’t come use the hospitals for free when emergencies happen and are a huge cost to the infrastructure and I’m sure the tax payers.

Now that those that don’t work have to purchase something which workers don’t, the working class is outraged? Why? You want to protect those that don’t work?

Like I’ve said before, if you want to be outraged about something why not Social Security which we ALL have to pay even though the majority of us will never see a dollar of it when the system goes bankrupt.

I’m not for Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act exactly I could do without, but I’m outraged by the ignorant attacks on it with a clearly biased view in the name alone. People hate on an major plan all of a sudden, which has been in action for a few years already without knowing the entire thing or being outraged by the federally mandated tax that has been around for over 70 years.

Obama care and Romney care names are nicely packaged by the people for the simpletons who find it hard to be outraged by the real name. Same as the infamous coining of the “Death Tax”. You’re sold on a nicely packaged name which doesn’t explain anything but has a name of the person you hate in it, to make it easy to hate and associate.

Unless you are outraged by all forms of Federal Mandates upon us such as Medicare and Social Security among the few, you’re an ignorant fool who just got sold a political message because of the pretty packaging. Not to mention other Federal facilities such as the FED.

Edit: If you outraged and active against all of them, kudos to you on consistency.