Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

very misinformed, its a traffic ticket…

When you get sick you are not required to go to the hospital…and if you want to cover yourself with health insurance why do you need the gov’ to force you? liability insurance is in place because when you crash into someone most people don’t have the funds to cover the other cars damage let alone any injuries so its a safety net to make sure the victim is compensated in a timely fashion.

And why do you need to have a car registered if you don’t drive it? Im confused.

I just want less government, its as simple as that. The less people telling me how to live my life the better.

Get a private island.

Ill sell you mine. I grew special coconut trees that already contain the rum. Also have a 1200 mile slip and slide. Its fun in the beginning, but about mile 9 it starts to loose it novalty, and the other 8 days it takes to finish it are kind of a drag.

$13,Skid75,999 OBO

I don’t want to pay social security since I dont like the plan.

Who do I call for Federal Government to stop taxing me on my paychecks?

If you cause enough trouble I believe they’ll call you. :ohnoes

Quite possibly the best thing I’ve read about the Obama-care decision. Take it with a grain of salt due to the source, though.


If you read my post Chief Justice Roberts Is A Genius, composed just a few hours after the supreme court ruling, you’d know that I promoted the idea that, although Roberts didn’t strike down Obama-care, his ruling gave those against Obama-care some tools with which to work.

This outlook was in the minority. It was based upon the idea that by ruling the Democrat’s use of the commerce clause was unconstitutional, Roberts took away one of the pillars on which Obama-care was based. He also ruled that the mandate had to be a tax. This was beneficial to the citizens because, as a tax, it could be repealed by vote. Additionally, by ruling the mandate a tax, Roberts forced Democrats to have to defend tax increases in a recession and in an election year.

My last point was that by ruling the federal government’s threat to yank funding from states was unconstitutional, Roberts opened the door for states to reject Obama-care without suffering a severe penalty. And if numerous states reject Obama-care the idea of a “national” healthcare system is obviously jeopardized.

And now two weeks after the SCOTUS ruling, with emotions more controlled, let’s take a look at recent events, shall we?

Yesterday, as you may know, the Republican-led House voted again to repeal Obama-care in its entirety. Unfortunately, the Democrat-led Senate is likely to stop the repeal in its tracks. But, this forces Democrats in an election year to justify standing with Obama-care and the associated taxes. They will be pulled from the shadows and subject to the intense glare of the American people.

By the way, the Left is going to flood the media with the idea that fewer Democrats voted to repeal Obama-care this time than in previous votes, implying the outlook toward Obama-care has changed.

Don’t be fooled. Since Obama-care was rammed down the people’s throat, there has been a purging of its supporters in Congress. So, were there fewer Democrats supporting this repeal?

Yes — because there are fewer Obama-care supporting Democrats in existence. But the job is not done. The Senate will reject the Obama-care repeal. There are still too many liberal-socialist Democrats in the Senate. They must be purged, too. The Senate elections, crusaders, must be a focus.

With their new found freedom based on the ruling, the list of states that have already rejected Obama-care or have announced they are not likely to implement it include: Florida, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Alabama, Indiana, Georgia, Oklahoma, Virginia and Missouri.

From Obama’s perspective, he must be very concerned that 15 of the “57″ states are rejecting his signature legislation. After all, it has only been two weeks since the SCOTUS ruling. That’s probably why he hasn’t mentioned a peep about it – that I have heard – since his short, bittersweet victory speech the day of the ruling.

As the election year progresses, pressure will increase to reduce budgetary outlays, and you can bet Obama-care will be targeted. Because it is such an outrageous monstrosity, you can become a political hero by successfully attacking small pieces of it — trial runs, pilot projects and subsidies come to mind. The administrative and regulatory demands of Obama-care are extremely complex; limit the flow of cash and the implementation of Obama-care gets hurt badly. As a bonus, you get some votes. It will be interesting to see as the season progresses if any Democrats, feeling they need votes, join Republicans in attacking aspects of Obama-care funding.

The interpretation that Roberts’ ruling possessed a silver lining has proven to be accurate. Many people will continue to bad mouth him based upon complex interpretations of law, the ‘true’ meaning of words and the implications of precedent.

I’m not a judge, nor am I an attorney or law clerk. My expertise in law is limited to the times I’ve been on the wrong side of it. So, to these judicial gripes I cannot comment. Others will remain bitter because they feel he should have just struck down the law. Perhaps. But he didn’t. He left it up to the people. He tied Obama-care and the supreme ruler to the same fate and handed that fate to the American people.

If you want to rid yourself and your descendants of the horrors of Obama-care, then you must rid the country of Obama. It is as simple as that.

Video from that same site, makes me sick to my stomach


agreed… perhaps replace conservative with capitalist

The mentality in here scares me, mainly because its a whole different thought process…than that of those that created this capitalist republic. oh well.


capitalist is a better choice in words, good looks

It’s almost like we live in a different world than them. :dunno

Don’t be shy and explain what you mean instead of talking blanket generics.

we do live in a diff world now…now people want everything with no work.

yeah, the 1%…

You make me laugh sometimes, thank you for that.

I thought the 99% types were down at this occupy movement bullshit? The ones standing around all day, wanting free college tuition and a bunch of other shit? They should occupy a job fair.

Cossey don’t you go to Suny Albany?

word .

fuck it

I pay for my health insurance… Only good that can come from all of this is going to be if health insurance rates drop…

Just to get this straight.

Those that work typically have health insurance. (With exceptions of retired, business owners etc). The majority does.

Those that don’t come use the hospitals for free when emergencies happen and are a huge cost to the infrastructure and I’m sure the tax payers.

Now that those that don’t work have to purchase something which workers don’t, the working class is outraged? Why? You want to protect those that don’t work?

Like I’ve said before, if you want to be outraged about something why not Social Security which we ALL have to pay even though the majority of us will never see a dollar of it when the system goes bankrupt.

I’m not for Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act exactly I could do without, but I’m outraged by the ignorant attacks on it with a clearly biased view in the name alone. People hate on an major plan all of a sudden, which has been in action for a few years already without knowing the entire thing or being outraged by the federally mandated tax that has been around for over 70 years.

Obama care and Romney care names are nicely packaged by the people for the simpletons who find it hard to be outraged by the real name. Same as the infamous coining of the “Death Tax”. You’re sold on a nicely packaged name which doesn’t explain anything but has a name of the person you hate in it, to make it easy to hate and associate.

Unless you are outraged by all forms of Federal Mandates upon us such as Medicare and Social Security among the few, you’re an ignorant fool who just got sold a political message because of the pretty packaging. Not to mention other Federal facilities such as the FED.

Edit: If you outraged and active against all of them, kudos to you on consistency.