Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

that is not the same fucking thing, stop comparing this to things that aren’t relevant

Go ahead, tell me how one mandated insurance is different from another.

It’s a felony in NY to drive without insurance, much worse than a fine.

One is a state law and one is an unconstitutional federal law. Any powers not directly given to the federal government by the constitution are only given to the states.

Allowing them to tax us as a penalty for not purchasing something is just a sly backhanded way of avoiding the powers NOT given to them by the constitution.

Present your case to the supreme court, I’m sure they would love to hear it.

If “mouching” off the government is so easy and fruitful you guys should switch places with them. Sounds like fun maybe your kids can walk to school and get shot in crossfire between two gangs. That sounds like a fun way to spend a Monday morning. I hate when people act like its so easy to live that way. While your out at the lake on the boat maybe stop and think how privledged you are. Or go go take the bus for a month so you can appretiate your car.

Walk a mile in there shoes then see how you feel. If you want you can volunteer for habitat for humanity and build a house for a family. Its easy to sign up they have a website. Or stay home and install your sweet BOV.

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Health insurance is like a loan. You pay and pay, and one day when you need it, they took that money to pay for your bills. They hope you pay and pay and never “draw” from it. Problems come when people draw more than they put in, and abuse the insurance.

Sofar I worked for 11 years. say about $5500 a year for the premium, I paid $60500 sofar to my insurance company, LESS what my employeer paid to them aswell. I might go to the dr a few times a year for small stuff here and there, usually no where near exceeding the ammount of money I paid week to week to the insurance company. BUT. my one motorcycle accident racked up well over $100K in bills for the week I spent in the hospital, heli ride, and rehab stuff after the fact. With what my employeer put in behind the scenes I bet the insurance co is still ahead.

Between the astronomical over charges for healtcare PROVIDERS charge for their service, and the grossly over abused customers who live like shit, are un-healthy becasue of what ever reason, and go to the dr’s every time they get a bump or bruise… the system is very far off ballance from all the people taking advantage on BOTH sides of the table.

My wife works in home healthcare, and knows the figures for the services she provides to her patients. Some patients she has cost their healthcare providers hundreds of thousands EVERY WEEK, yet she sees people who diserve treatment, with coverage they earned by busting their ass keeping employeed staying as healthy as they can be, and doing everything “right” that they can, but are denied coverage and need to take out (or try to) personal loans to cover the expenses, which is ludicris when scumbags porch monkeys sit on their ass, drinking smoking and fucking their lives to shit, having it all handed to them without question.

$2000 a year for my wife and I, and at some point children will put a real hurt on our household if we choose not to partake in the crap they are dishing and stick to what we are already using. We bust our asses do have what we have, like many families do. Until this country AND its citizens stop abusing themselves and the systems around them… this will only get worse for the rest of us trying to do whats “right” in our lives.

Bottome line is those people made THOSE CHOICES and are where they are in life.

The vast majority of them. Sure there are a few truly stuck in a hard place… but those are droplets in the bucket.

Fucking A right I am proud of what I and my family did to put my ass on a boat, on the ocean last week for vacation. I can sleep at night after doing so becasue I have NEVER seen my father, mother, or brother and sister sit on their ass and get handed anything from the government, or attempt to take advantage of some flawed system.

I grew up in amsterdam. far from compton, but it is a good example I can prove. Going through pricechopper watching people with 5 whiney ass kids cursing at them to shut the fuck up, or hitting them, trying to buy 30 racks of beer with and EBT card, in their $100 jeans and chains, trying to convience the clerk that the beer is for “cooking”. Having friends work at Stwearts a having their registers run out of money by 9am from all the scumbags getting cash when NYS put that $100 or what ever it was a kid in school bonus on the ebt cards (which was ment to buy school supplies). And to top it off, having some of them have the audacity to tell me “yeah I am fucking the system, I aint working for this shit”… I dont make this shit up.

Call it a sterotype, I dont give a shit. If you dont like fitting that sterotype of being a mooching scumbag, get the fuck out of that life style, some way, some how. WAY too many give up and give in to how easy it is to take the easy way out… they are the root cause for the heartache examples you gave.

State’s mandate car insurance so that when you harm someone else in an accident they are able to get coverage. No state mandates that you have comp and collision, just liability. That is a MAJOR difference between mandated auto and health insurance.

the difference is a worked for my “sweet bov” and lake boat rights…people have the ability to change their surroundings…not all do however

thank you

Yes they can change there situation. With the help from … government assistance like going to school who pays for that …I think its the tax payers maybe?

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So are you guys against the fact that it’s Federally mandated or against the policy itself?

As far as the Federal mandate, even I’ll agree that’s a bit far and there is no precedent, even though the supreme court seems to be OK with it.

However as far as policy, it’s nothing revolutionary or new, like I said it’s no different than car insurance.

Oh I see, so me having to pay a mandated tax or be charged with a felony in order to insure the safety and provide for the care of others is OK.

But same thing towards myself, is taboo?

Ok. Gotcha. Glad we sorted that out.

You guys are nuts. I’d rather be forced to spend money on my own health care than be forced to spend money to make sure others are safe :banghead

It is entirely different than car insurance, you cannot keep making that comparison. You don’t buy health insurance to protect the guy you’re playing basketball against when he tears his ACL after you knock him down, do you?

I have no problem with states pushing for universal care, because that is the right of a state. The federal government does not have that right, and regardless of what the court says I will always argue that. Let the states decide which options they like and best fits their populace. Incentivize them even, but a one size fits all solution to a nation of this size does not work.

Like I said above I agree with that it shouldn’t be a federal solution, however …

But I do buy insurance in case I hit him once he gets into his car don’t I? And if I don’t it’s a felony…

I’m forced to pay liability on my car even if I don’t put any miles on it a year just to keep it registered. You want to complain about taxes? Complain about that bullshit. Especially considering bikes don’t have to have insurance to keep their plates. Bikes also don’t have to have front plates while it’s illegal to do the same for a car in this state.

Principle is identical just applied to different aspects of our lives. I don’t see how you guys can brush the car insurance off but be horribly upset about being encouraged/forced to buy health insurance FOR YOURSELF. Anybody here who’s never visited a hospital raise your hand. I’d rather be forced to pay to protect myself all day long than be forced to pay to protect others even if I’m not driving my cars.

What fucking felony is it to drive around with no car insurance? lol

And yes, the federal law forces you to protect yourself, while the car insurance forces you to protect others…whether you agree with car insurance or not…theres certainly a more valid argument for that than making me have health insurance if I don’t want it.

Appears I was misinformed, I was under the impression it was a class D or class C felony :ponder

A judge may decide to charge the driver with an unclassified misdemeanor with up to three months imprisonment and a fine of up to $1,500 as of April 2011. Drivers will pay a misdemeanor fine in addition to civil penalties determined by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.

You’re saying is a better argument for mandatory car insurance whether you drive the vehicle or not than protecting yourself for when not if you get sick?

So we all get sick at some point in our lives whether you like it or not we will all visit hospitals. However there are plenty of cars out there that are 40 or 50 years old with little to no miles on them, why did they need to have liability again?

If you prefer to protect others you go ahead, I’d rather pay to protect myself. It should be up to the person whether or not he feels he requires liability insurance or not.

Maybe I am missing something here.

-You work for someone who has health benifits… your covered.
-You work for someone who doesnt have health benifits… maybe your significant other does and adds you as a dependant.
-You & your significant other work for someone who doesnt have health benifits… one of you buys a private policy and your covered.
-You dont work so your fucked. Get a job and pay for it.

The coddleing of the unemployeed in this country is outragous and contributing alot of these problems for the people who are employeed and trying to survive… not wakeing up every day deciding on how to spend government cheese and play xbox. I for one would not mind seeing more people get their unemployment “benifits” yanked after #months of being unemployed and putting forth little to no effort to change that. If you get arrested, yank the welfare. If you pop out kids like candy, yank the welfare. Reduce crime and over population???

I was laid off from a loss of contract years ago, the first time I had a “chance” at unemployment. So I wanted to see how easy it actually was (so I have a leg to stand on in these arguements) to take advantage of it. I collected 2 weeks and by the 3rd week I felt like a scumbag, ran out of things to fix at the house and couldnt stand having nothing to do. Got hired in 3 days, back to the same career field I was in that people say is so hard to get a job in.

On unemployment you are suposed to go to these meetings to help find a job. Made a cheese excuse for the first one and got, ohh no big deal how about a few weeks from now?? Um, i can come next week, no worries. I go to this thing and they didnt even know i was suposed to be there. The lady who was suposed to help me with my resume hardly spoke english and typed worse than Slowmarrow. (lol) then this fat bastard “job hunter” told me all about his 5 degrees in 5 unrelated fields, one of which was computer science, so he started bragging to me about his many IT certs from old ass shit nobody uses anymore… As i shot the shit with him, I could tell the dude was clueless and cockey, 2 reasons i would fire him myself. Not to mention, this chode racked up hundreds of thousands in college bills, just to work at unemployment telling people HOW TO FIND JOBS IN THEIR FIELD!!! How ironic is that huh.

Never the less i blew off the “manditory” things NYS NEEDED you to do to keep your $400 check a week coming in and got the feeling that it was no big deal, just try again next week every step of the way. I can totally see how people sit on that shit for years without it being pulled.

Maybe if more people didnt accept failure for success, alot of this shittyness in this country would go away.

Generally when you don’t work you’d be under a certain income threshold and would therefore be eligible for Medicare. This law is really aimed at people in our age category, the 21-35 year old, and it’s a response to the skyrocketing healthcare costs associated with baby boomers getting old and feeble. The way insurance works is like social security: you pay into the system when you’re young and likely not using it and the old who need it are using the money you’re paying in. Then when you’re old the young are paying your costs and so on. The problem is there’s more old using it than young paying in. It’s basically a big ponzi scheme. So by requiring everyone to have it you’re pumping more money into the system which, theoretically, should lower the cost. Unfortunately we won’t know if this works for another 2-3 years.

Yes you’re correct but here are a few problems.

Say you’re employer pays $5000/yr per employee for health benefits. They can drop their insurance plan for their employees and pay the $2000 fine per Obamacare and still save $3000 a head.

In the above scenario you’d be forced to buy your own policy from any insurance provider since they’re all going to offer “affordable” plans. You have to choose a plan or be fined.

Many Americans, however, will not be able to afford the plans offered by private insurance and will be forced onto Medicare. Who foots the bill for the millions of new Medicare recipients? The middle-class of course or you and I. This will go down in history as the biggest tax hike on the middle class to date.

Question. Will medicare cover someone whith marbles stuck up their butt becuase they were drunk and annoying?

Yes even if the marbles were a per-existing condition. It might even cover damage to the toilet as well and any injuries the husband might suffer as a result of pushing marbles into his wife’s asshole while she slept one off.