heads up display for 93 coupe

My HUD in my car is messed, I don’t really know what to do. Sometimes not all the time the HUD works for 2 seconds when I start up the car then it goes away and stops working. I was wondering if I would have to buy the whole unit or is it just a loose connection. If anyone has any info please write back.

These units tend to wear out… best bet is to go to a junkyard and find a replacement.

Alright i’ll try a junkyard. Do you or anyone know where some junkyards are in the GTA.

Try disconneting the battery and then hook it up again, it fixed mine.

ya try resetting your ecu!

Mine didnt work last year but now with my Sr ECU it works again…I heard from someone that it had something to do with the ECU.

I disconnected the battery but it didnt fix the problem. How do I reset the ECU?

Should be able to just disconnect it for an hour or so to kill the ECU.

Check to make sure u have it turned on :wink:

Push in the button instead of turning it…