Well the heater core is bad in my car and thought before i take the whole thing apart i might as well try to fix the clog. Yesterday i put some drano in there and pressue washed it out, the heat in the car got better but still isnt HOT. Anyone know of some safe stuff that will break up the clog without melting the core?
its prob not what you wanna hear but I would replace it before it gets REAL cold. Having no heat in the winter would suck.
they’ve got that super flush prestone shit you hook a hose up to it. i’d just try that again and again… ask PAUL… he’s been having issues with his and i think he fixed it.
glad you figured out what the issue is cause i asked the kid and no reply :sad
Mine was a ripped hose.
I had a bad heater core in my old truck and my Mustang and theres no real way to fix it other than replacing it. Both of them leaked.
You is foooked
1- is it climatronic?
2- is it a v-6?
If you answered yes to any of the above then see line 3
3- your core isn’t plugged it has a hole in it and needs to be replaced
4- ask me how i know :mwahaha
It is a 2.8 5 speed
Then it is a 90% chance the heater core is leaking, or a 10% chance the climatronic unit is fuct up
Does the a/c stay on even though it’s in heat mode? Or do you just not get heat while moving but idle is ok? Lower rad hose hot? T-stat working? I can keep going, this is why you can’t really get help on a forum.
It may be his climate control because randomly the sunroof will pop open
If it had a hole in it wouldnt it smell like coolant when i had the blower on, also steamy windows?
the heat doesnt work at idle, but at constant load around 3k+ he said hes good.