ya my bro leaves his in neutral…then in the mornings he looks out his window and pushes the button and then it starts right up…no problems iwth his
neat i may have to check this out
you guys have to push the clutch in to start your car - that sucks
any vw pre 99.5 you don’t… new ones are ghey
tru, that was the hardest thing for me to get used to
You can get those cheap-ass remote starters to work with a manual tranny. Most times they come with extra relays (either for trunk pop or door unlock) and can use them to actuate the clutch sensor. I had an old Bulldog remote starter on my truck (auto) and my cousin used the same kit on his Jeep (manual). They are definitely not made to work with manual, but anything is possible.
Haha, thats why it’s called a glovebox anyways!
i can perfectly picture jeff rocking some of these