Hell ya I grunt when I get my swell on...


Both the Evo and STI look stupid, but there is just so much more you can do with the Evo platform.


your avatar looks stupid

Want to go to DFW for a week to train at Metroflex? ha…

I’m SO sick of the local SHIT gym. The fucking lady is a NAZI and gets pissed when you ‘drop’ dumbells like 4 inches. I so want to Ronnie-drop those fuckers…

there, much moar bettar

come to Best, i drop shit, throw shit, yell, scream fuck and all the profanities.

Cool. I’d just like to go to the legendary Metroflex at some point.

id go to W/O with Branch, fuck ronnie.

or jonnie

I’m opposite. Have you ever seen his ‘unchained’ video? Him and his posse are screaming ‘lightweight’ and ‘yeah buddy’ in a serious manner. It’s one thing to say it goofing off, but fucking come up with your own shit. Plus, Branch is ‘tiny’ in comparison to other. Plus, ‘Branch’ is a fucking faggot ass name.

^ Nobody here will lift this heavy ass weight… BUT I WILL!!!


‘everyone wanna be a bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift any heavy ass weights…BUT I DO!!!’

‘2300 pound leg press…can’t no one in here do dis but me!’

‘aint nuttin to it but to do it’

Ronnie is great. He’s so dumb it’s cute.


I literally laughed my ass off at that video. Was so funny.

i dont want to go too far into your love for ronnie but u are dead wrong. trust me

This thread is now about meatheads :facepalm


thats what happens here.

fix it thupermod

“Your just jelous on how jacked and tan I am…” .

sorry its not about Fat heads.

Really not wrong about anything, Branch is a faggy name, his crew sounds stupid, and he’s tiny in comparison to some others. Just watch the youtube videos of him standing next to other bodybuilders.

dude i have met him and others at shows and expos. Trust me u are so wrong here.

People have shit that they do. Brett’s a dooshe to people on here, Other Travis gets blasted, you talk about weed, I turn shit into lifting discussions.