Hello via BlackBook

Richard Simmons would rock Roseanne’s fat rolls off.

But Roseanne may get him with her extreme ability to spit tampons.

I think it’s a draw.

If Rosie O’Donnel were to use a computer it would be a Leap Frog. Minus the leaping part. It would be a Hopping Frog. Well maybe not. Shimmy Frog.

Really, I can fault either OS. Nobody makes a perfect OS. I really don’t know why anybody would put XP on a mac. The real advantage to owning a Mac is that the hardware and software work very, very well together. With XP it’s always a guessing game, but of course there is a ton more flexibility.

I really haven’t found it difficult to switch between the two. I’ve done so for the past few days (I don’t have a printer for this computer yet). I don’t mind either. I mainly purchased a Mac for their exceptional support. I mainly didn’t buy a Dell for their lack of support. If this were a desktop I probably would not have chosen a Mac, but for a notebook that may have more problems over time I would prefer a company that has built a reputation on taking care of their customers.

There was a time when Dell support was terrific. This was about 4 or 5 years ago. I remember. And then it went downhill. :shrug: