
Ok, so about 4-5 months ago I hit a guard rail on the highway with my integra. Only damage done was to my car, and barely the guard rail if any. Well yesterday, I got a letter from the highway saying that I owe $1, 816 for damages? WTF!! What can I do about this? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Call your insurance company?

Guard rails are bound to get hit… why should you have to pay for it?

its not his property he damaged it, however, ins shpuld cover it

how did they find out it was you?

he prob filed a police report, instead of leaving the scene of an accident :bloated:

So where does our tax money go?

I hit a guard rail before in a previous accident and yes you are liable to damages. My insurance company, after asking me all of the questions and stuff about what happened told me that I would be liable to any damages done to the guard rail.

I would definitaly find out how they know it’s you for sure, call you insurance company and see what needs to be done. Fax the paper to your insurance company and then I am sure they will do the investigating for you…not completely sure on how that would work.

go to the spot and take pictures. Prove there was no damage. Fuck the city of Buffalo. Bunch of corrupt rapists.

ask your insurance company to call um up and try and get it under 1000, then ur insurance company will cover it and ur rates wont go up, if they cover it and its over 1000 ur rates will prolly go up, this happened to me but with a telephone pole, its vry gay

thanks for the help everyone. andy, i’m going to give that a try on monday and see what happens.

Fix it yourself!