I just got this car about a yr ago (90 integra) and it was just a shell, had to get a motor tranny and engine harness. put that all in end of last summer and drove the car home cause its still missing some crap and needs alittle work. had a battery in it for about 2 months and everything was fine till alittle while after i brought it home. i pressure washed the engine and bay and took out the computer to see if it was ok cause there was alittle water inside the car. after i did this i had a dead battery. completely dead, i would jump it with another car but as soon as you disconnected the jumpers the car would die. let it sit for acouple months, just bought a brand new battery acouple days ago and it fired right up, pulled it into the garage to work on it and left the battery connected for about 15 mins. worked on the car for acouple hrs then hooked the battery back up to pull it out and i could smell electonics burning and the alt was warm and the battery was almost completely dead but would turn the lights on barely. figured bad alternator was bad and busted out the multi meter. hooked up the positive battery cable to the battery and hooked the multi meter up to the negative battery cable and the other side to the negative battery terminal. blow 12.7 volt drain without the key even in the ignition. disconnected all the fuses in the interior fuse box one by one and no difference. disconnected the one side of the alterantor fuseible link and there we go back down to 5 volts. bought a new alt which was $150 bucks and put it in today, made sure it worked at the parts store before i left, the old one was totally shorted. after putting it in put the recharged battery back in and did the multi meter test again before i even tried to start it and its still draining 12.7 volts WTF!!! anybody have a clue as to what would be draining it? i don’t want to hook up the battery and try to start it until i fix this so i don’t fry another alternator. HEEELLLLLLPPPPP!!!
try tracing the positive wire from the battery and on.check around the starter.you gotta be shorting somewhere.
im getting som weird findings here, i keep disconnecting stuff in my underhood fuse box and if certain things are hooked up its draining, it seems to be more than one source or maybe its in a loop. one thing i remember if i take off the three white wires at the back end along with the hazard light fuse it goes away. but with either of them hooked up its draining. i took off all the wires at the alt and it did nothing. i took off the starter power and nothing but if im holding the starter wire at the end and touch a ground it drains. damnit i can’t narrow it down!!
Ok I have a battery drain and I narrowed it down to this connector that goes into the interior fuse box. the car is a 90 integra ls. the coonector is the top right connector and its red. probably about 16 pins in it but didn’t count. i can’t find a wiring diagram for the fuse box, not in my haynes manual or online. does anyone know what this connector is for or what it feeds?
boo no help. figured it out though. gay ass automatic seat belts.
f them auto seat belts, all they do is hang u when ur getting in…lol