HELP engine gunk AUDI a6

just picked up a 95 a6 and when i take the oil cap off i see there is a ton of engine gunk what do you guys think is the best way to get it cleaned without taking the heads off it?

Run some fresh oil through it? Maybe change it every 1,000 miles for about 5k?



Seafoam FTW.

drain the oil, fresh oil + filter + seafoam for 100 miles, then fresh oil + filter + seafoam for another 100 miles…enjoy crop dusting while this is going on!

X3 on the seafoam. But you will think your engine is dying during it. Crop dusting is right… lol.

how much seafoam should i use?

There should be instructions on the bottle, it normally goes through a vacuum line but I know some people will put part of the bottle into their fuel.

i’d pull the valve covers and confirm that the engine is gunked 1st. the older v6’s are not prone to sludging. they are work horse engines

the oil buildup can be nothing more than “sludge” buildup/oil discoloration on the baffle found under the valve cover that rides on top of the cam caps.

if your oil is sludge, it would deffinitely sit in that oil pan and block the pick up tube. those pans are flat bottom. 2 piece pan setup. if it is sludged, your shit would have been toast. i’m willing to bet you are seeing the oil baffle.

the seaform was more of a joke. Read the thread right below this one about seafoam.

thats why i was like what? lol i kinda figured but wasn’t to sure