Help i cant figure this out

Ok i have had leaky injectors for a little while hate startign the car up inthe mornig to smell gas and such blowign out the vents… anyway… i changed my injector seals last night all 3 seals on all 4 injectors and they are all good except one it still leaks what else could it be they all have new seals… and are seated proporly i beleve… i wanna stop this leak cause i cant stand that smell anymore… also is there nay kinda sealer i can but and just put aroudn it to stop it…thanks

The term leaky injector could meen two things

  • Leaking from the injectors seals.
  • Leaking from the injector itself (a cracked injector)

Sounds like you have a cracked injector.

Is your engine a KA24E or KA24DE?

i have the ka24e
and i checked the injectors out when i had them out they are liek brand new in perfect shape… i changed all teh seals with new sets… they are all tight but the one still leaks…

if its leaking around the red\plastic part of the injecter it makes it look like it could be a seal. but its not… and i bet u it looks like its leaking around the rail right? if thats the case then ur injecter is leaking. not the seals… i had the same problem. just change that injecter…