help! i cant get my wheels off!

hey guys i got tuner lugs frmo my friend and the key broke in half when i was putting on the first wheel, now i cant get it off, and I NEED to get em off, any ideas. ps. wtb tuner lugs lol

thats the worst, my ideas would be find a socket that u can hammer on to and around the lock and turn and take out or you’ll have to cut your studs and replace the whole thing, i dont know the name but those threaded bolts u put the lugs on to.

it broke? soft white metal eh? drill the fuckin thing out, find a bit that fits in the open tuner nuts then use it to drill out the other one.

funny story, 2 winters ago I had my wheels mounted balanced and put on, but they used an impact gun to put on my lock nuts, 1 stripped and they had to drill the whole stud off

chisel + hammer?

is it the swiggling worm going in a circle lock? if so i have the key.

why not just get a grinder or a cutting wheel or something to that effect and make it hexagonal on the outside instead of round.

hexagonal with round corners so you can fit a larger socket around it and not have to cut too deep and ruin your thread.

you can even make it a square or just flatten opposing sides so that you can fit a socket or anything around it with bite.

hell you can even weld something to it, don’t ruin your stud though that’s such a bitch to fix.

If you do ruin the threads, they are not hard to replace, just a pain in the ass.

this has happend to me,

go to a tire shop, pay theman 12.85, he will take it off in 2 min and then all the people in the tire shop will ask you if its turbo and if it makes that cool sound and ask you to rev it

I had high quality ones and it was impossible for me to drill them out. I also tried welding a nut on and then cranking it but it wouldn’t work.

I brought it to a great tire place (Moore’s Tire in Oakville … they are so honest you almost want to pay them the extra) and they did in 10 minutes with an air chisel for $10 cash.

i have a set of locking nut removers from snap on, worked for me when this happened

come down if you still need to get them off


it took 2 hardend bits and about 1 hour to drill out 1 McGard locknut

^^ yeah I had the McGard ones (McGuard? I don’t know)
I had the hardened bits and I tried to drill one for about 15 minutes before deciding I had better things to do with my time. I only made a small crater in it.

I tried that snap-on tool as well but it did not work :frowning:

i wonder if you can weld your wheel lock key to a socket and take the lock nuts off that way… unless the lock key was split vertically down in half