Help me bleed my brakes!!

hey i need someones help to bleed my brakes today(preferably) someones whos done it before, and has a 8mm wench too:p (MBC bleeder) and a vinyl tube that actually fits over the bleeder, cuz the one i got is SHIT.
i live in whitby. but still someone wanna help a brother out??:wink:


u made them fail

No, I did as you told me lol, you didnt say anything about bleeding master cylinder or anything.

Im the one who told you not to waste money on a bleeder kit, and the one who told you that you should use aquarium tubing.

I win!

BTW, I called “your” cell today and you didn’t answer but I laughed at your dads voicemail message for Syndia International lol

Offer some money and you will probably get some help.


vinyl tube? What the?.. just use a bottle or something

umm fine. ill give someone 20$ lol or how bout some free sandblasting? lol
yah if u put the vinyl tube over the bleeder screw youll now if there is still air inside or not, and air wont go back in.

You don’t need vinyl… Rubber hose works. I made a bench bleeding kit, and it works for that too. Rmallari just showed me this trick yesterday, put the hose into a bottle, and wait for bubbles to stop. Then bleed some more lol.

I know you posted for help a little while back but if you haven’t done it yet, consider ordering in a set of speed bleeders. Karbelt at Bayly and Brock can order it in for you - takes a few days for them to come in.

Info on what you need:
Speed bleeders
Front and Rear: SB1010
Metric size: M10 X 1.0
Overall length: 34.44 mm

lol yah vinyl, rubber, watever fits on.
yah tahts wat im thinking, a speed bleeder, ppl told me to hit up napa

I went by the Napa down the street from Karbelt at Brock and Bayly and the guy said they don’t sell speed bleeders. So I went to Karbelt and they asked for the info on what size etc. So if you go to order them, make sure you take that info I posted with you.

I’ll be in Scarbrough this Sunday, Call me and i’ll help you.
Are the bleeder nipples seized though? And make sure you have extra fluid ok.
I’ll walk with two trolley jacks.


sundays perfect! still need help, bleeders are fine, have LOTS of fluid, have a jack:P

ill pay u 40$!! LOL
call/txt 9059229167

LOL wow shawn… I’d be up to help saturday sometime during the day

LOL stfu. its done now anyways!!! and my car is driving around:D!
next friday everyone will finally c my car.
but its DONE.
close thread if u want admin.