Help me find a NAS

I need to improve some of the operations in my local office, and currently we are hosting a good amount of shared files on the old slow servers in Maryland. I have approval to go ahead and by a network storage appliance, but I really cant find one that really wows me for a good price. I need something that is 500GB+ and has the capability to mirror files on multiple computers. IE User 1 changes it on their laptop, it immediately changes on the server so that when user b opens it from the server it is the most current version of the document. AND it has to cost around or <700

I found one HP drive that provides that feature, but it seems to be geared more toward media sharing, and i have no interest in that.
HP Product review

Thanks for any suggestions

I just put one of those into a office that had massive scanned documents. Their new project has been wanting their desktops and laptops to sync with the storage server twice a day (morning and night) to keep things backed up. I have been looking into the windows sync but there is a number of options that I have looked into also. I will let you know when I figure out what I am going with.

talk to howie, i think he admins a few…

Bump… I will have to check with howie, but i bet the ones he has are several thousand $, and i cant really justify that for our needs.

You could always build a linux box that would do that


You could always build a linux box that would do that


we actually considered ponying up the $ to buy a nice server, and will have to eventually once some of the applications that i am writing have to be deployed, but until then, and until we get the books for this year closed I am stuck with a NAS. I mean not really stuck, it has it’s function in the office, but it wont be able to perform the truck tracking, or inventory tracking functions that i need. Ah well, this is what i got approval for it is is what i have to ride out.