HELP me: Horn on 93 Civic LX....

hi guys!

i’ve been fixing many many things on this car…but one thing that’s very important and I can’t fix…seems to be the Horn on this car…

i read articles on Honda-tech…they said that it’s connected to the SRS wiring…which worries me even more… They also talked about all the fuses, which I checked and seemed to be just fine.

Any of you can help me fix the horn on this car? maybe I go to your place and help me check it out?


ps. can anybody with the same car take a picture of the dash fuse box? seems like the fuses on my box are not correctly placed. The cover’s gone too.

i will take a pic of the fuse box for you when i get home tonight.

you should grab the helms… the wire diagram will help you out. if you dont know how to read one, this is a perfect time to learn. if you dont have a helms let me know and can get you a copy.

thank you very much for the reply!!

for the fuse box…i actually compared it with the pictures they have in honda-tech…I also compare it with some other pictures on jdmcivic…however, im still not sure whether they’re for LX USDM or not…

as for the diagram…i actually went to advance auto parts couple of times…reading the Haynes manual…is it different with Helms? I learned the diagram for the horn…seems like it’s in parallel with the cruise control switch…before then going to the horn relay…trough SRS harness…

im OK with opening the front bumper…however, it seems like there are way too many rusted bolts on my car…i don’t really want to mess them up… That’s the sole reason why im afraid to open the bumper up…

the helms is the manual they use at the dealership. helms > *

and if i remember correctly the horn is in the same rats nest of wire as the SRS. you cant miss it, its bright yellow.


I again looked trough the fuses and wiring…but I still can’t find why it’s not working…

i really want to take the bumper out. However, im distracted with the fact that rusted bolts might end up as a disaster on my ‘rescue’ project…

is there a way to grab the cable for the horn directly from under the hood without taking out the bumper?

Hopefully I don’t get bad karma for offering advice…
But if you do, be sure to sign it :tup:

Anyways bro…

You may or may not have checked these things…

Or even replaced them already…

But like ZeroDaze said, a wiring diagram will be VERY helpful when tracing wires.

If your horn worked, but suddenly stopped, I’d check the horn itself (I’ve never known of a horn that broke)

I’d check the horn button… If you can easily pop it off, check to make sure the contacts are clean, not broken, etc…

I’d also make sure the ground for the button and horn itself are still intact.

My OPINION, on the horn and SRS being connected or related, wouldn’t worry me personally. If your SRS light isn’t on in your guage cluster, your SRS should work fine.

The light comes on when you start the car as a test to see that the bulb works.

If I were in your situation, I’d check:

  1. Horn button
  2. Horn
  3. Ground wires
  4. Lastly, I’d check the wiring.

I would think if it were a wiring problem, you’d blow a fuse, or see smoke from a shorted wire when it heated up.

Hopefully I’ve been helpful…

Goodluck figuring out the solution :tup:

thanks again for the reply!

well well…one thing that concerned me most…when i bought the car, there was a SRS control box on the trunk.

NOW…this could either means the dude took out the unit entirely…or maybe, he replaced and fix the problem… In my case, what would it be? How to check it?

One thing though, SRS light never turned on ever since I bought the car…another thing, the horn also never work too…

I checked the fuses for SRS…there are two fuses, 15A and 10A…they both looked just fine.

I’m not sure on the lifespan of a guage light bulb…

But as far as I know, the lights all come on to ensure they work.

Check engine light, oil light etc…

If your SRS light ISN’T coming on, I would think that the bulb is blown. If I remember correctly, when the system is disabled, the light comes on, and stays on like a check engine light.

It’s there to tell you there’s a problem.

If the horn has never worked, I’d also be sure to check the wiring, the previous owner could have done something as well.

Again… good luck sorting through this problem bro :tup:

EDIT: The SRS control box, I’m not at all sure where it would be located, how to check it, etc…

I would ASSUME it’d be under the dash… but cars are all very different.

did u ever think once that the horn itself is broke. the parts in the trunk are not off the car they were from a different car. if your srs wasnt hooked up your srs light would be on its common sense. if this is in fact the car i sold, you only paid 500 bucks for it and i told you there were some problems but the main purpose of it starting up and running was perfect. i got the car from a friend. the few months it was in my possion i didnt mess with anything except drive me back and fourth to work during the winter and i never had one time it didnt start. back to the horn it slowly just died on me there for 99.9% sure the horn itself died.

Dude, no need to get defensive. He’s just trying to fix a known problem with the car.

Calvin, did you ever check for voltage at the horn when you push the button? You probably just need a new horn, grab one from a junk yard or something. Haha if that doesn’t work just wire up a new one seperately and put a momentary push button on the dash :tup:

Haha after this no more civics for you! You need something without wires there Mr Computer Engineer. :lolham:

Alright, back to work. When are you coming in again?

^yoo…thanx for both of you for the replies…

for layzie…

dude, you’re not thinking that im “blaming” you for what happened, right? No, no at all…it is my responsibilty to fix em up…i actually was about to call you up and ask you about the SRS control box on the trunk…my question was, whether it’s from this car or from elsewhere…

anywho, now you told me that you didn’t mess with anything…that still won’t guarantee that the prev. prev. owner didn’t mess with it…LOL…

hmm…now you said that it was working but then dying…maybe i should just go ahead and replace it!! hehehehe…Now i believe that 99% chance, I’ll fix it by replacing the part…THANX!

oh, btw…to give you an update…as I told you earlier in your place…im currently in rally to fix the car the best that i can…so far, I hooked up the stereo and speakers (with help of Nyspeed member), I fixed the front windows, fixed the windshield washer pump, fixed left turning sign, and lastly I replaced the working-now-and-then gauge cluster with the help of NYspeed member (thanx yo!)…

the last important thing is definitely that stupid horn…(for inspection)

As I told you guys earlier, I really want to open up that bumper…BUT…looking at all those rusted screws and nuts…HM…im thinking about something else…maybe grabbing the horn wires directly underneath the hood? LOL

anyway, Jim…i can easily get the part from the junkyard, LOL…a member also hooked me up with a horn from his wrecked del sol…the only problem is that…replacing it on rusted bumper/fender…seems to be harder than replacing wndow actuator… :lolham:

oh, btw…im currently working part time with the help of Billy (u know him?) I’ll probably show up in the office when Joe is back…weekend most probably…just to give him updates… :slight_smile:

one very last thing for this car: A friend of mine will help me up with repainting the whole car and fix all rust, dents, cracks…THEN…this car will ready to “GO” (away from me…)

fortunately, this is not the case…

now the cluster itself has been replaced…and with the help from layzie…i think the horn itself is the problem…

well, I think i’ve to encourage myself to open up that bumper. LOL…this will be fun…

btw guys…sorry for the long post (^)…i just need to vent a bit… :mamoru:

I’m not sure what’s involved in a Civic bumper… but it wasn’t too hard on my car, it only took 1 socket to remove the inner wheel well linings, and 1 socket to remove 2 bolts on each side for the bumper. Then remove 5 push clips in the middle, and it’s off.

It shouldn’t be too far off for your car, but I’m sure someone else can answer this better than I can…

GL fixing that horn :tup:

its two 10mm bolts and 5 screws