Hey i found out recently that the horn is not working but it works when i use it on the factory alarm (s14). anyone know wat things i should check for and such?
if it works with the alarm, then there’s an issue somewhere between the button on the steering wheel, and where the alarm patches in. pull off the cover of you steering wheel and check the contacts there, then trace the leads to see if there is any damage.
steering wheel,
also,does your cruise control work? my s14 horn is wired into the cruise control buttons , then it goes to ground. so if you pull your cruise control buttons , you lose the horn
this is fora 95 240sx by the way
i dont know how many horns you have on you car but on altimas and maxs they have 2 horns one for the alarm and one controled buy the driver.
I would start but checking the fuse then use a test light and go to the horn. see if there is power when you honk the horn. If you have power you need a horn. If there is no power then check the relay. Finaly check the horn pad.