Help me pass my etest!!!

Hey guys! I finally got the 90 'coupe! And failed the etest horribly. All fail on HC,COand NOX. I might try puttin in a new cat 2morrow! checked the ignition and plugs already and evrything seems fine. what else should I look for? only has 175k on the motor! thnx a lot!

change ur cat…since u just bought it might aswell spend 15 bucks on some platinum ngk spark plugs from canadian tire…make sure ur filters good to go and the timing is set right. other than that u should pass

thnx! Ill try that~!

might as well oil change when the car is up in the air for the new cat

its possible that th O2 sensor is bad, i think a bad PCV can affect it too… i’m also pretty sure a higher octane gas will burn cleaner… your MAF could be going to… your EGR vavle could be messed up to, but i’m not sure how much that affects emissions… correct me if i’m wrong

Well, I took it for the etest and It failed with flying colours!!! The damn thing is running soooooo rich! Im going for a cat and new o2 next week. an example for a reading… curb idle max limit:1.20 actual:8.70!!!
Crazy man! Failed all sections.

that happened to my first s13. I put a brand new cat on it and it passed with flying colours…depends on every car though

I guess! Ill do the o2 tho as well, its only 35 bucks. and then put like 2 bottles of gas line antifreeze in the tank on a 1/4 to make sure it passes!

try putting tko 2000 on a half tank of gas. when the tank is done put 94 octane in take her for a rip and get a e test make sure the cat is nice and warm