Bombed the etest. What should I do?

So I had an etest today for my s13 and the numbers were twice the passing point. The car has been sitting for over a year and I just put in a used cat that may have been much older then I was told. So how can I drop my etest numbers by half? New cat, full tank of vpower gas, new sparks? Any pointers would be super helpful guys. Thanks.

post up what numbers you failed by. V-power doesn’t actually do anything to help you pass etest, its all in your head. high octane gas has a lower burn speed than low octane… so if anything you’re going to have more unburnt fuel giving you worse emissions. Check your air filter, make sure you don’t have any codes in your ecu and find out if the cat you had installed is a 2 way or 3 way.

if you have codes… follow them first and figure out what it is. My first car had a bad tps sensor. because of that I was nearly double all the limits but NoX. 3 etests later I finally checked codes and found out.

Where do you read them, who would be able to help with that?

What would be the difference?

Wher’s the TPS sensor on ka24?

that he said ^
here are my numbers:
at 40km
HC ppm Limit 64 Reading 133
CO % Limit 0.35 Reading 0.30
NO ppm Limit 0727 Reading 1504

my idle numbers were good though