Hey guys,

I have a 93 hatch with a ka. having trouble passing etest, any ideas? I am in burlington. The car is insured and the safety is done, all i need is the etest so i can drive it.


What did it fail,Nox,hc,co.
What kind of #s did it blow
At idle or asm or both

#'s would help.

Working cat? working o2 sensor?

hey sorry guys, i dont have the numbers from my past e-test, ill take another one tomorrow and post it, i lost the sheet. i have a working cat and o2 sensor but unpluged and lost my emission things under the hood. forget what its called.

Just had my 240sx in at Dynamic Automotive for the same problem, Tracey worked wonders and got my car to pass with some impressive numbers! VERY HAPPY WITH MY SERVICE there and he was very fast!