My brother is learning how to do body work, and he’s looking for a car. He asked me what to get, and honestly I have no idea…I’ve never looked at cars that price. So I’m looking for ideas for something cool for the young bol. He’s 16, and needs something that drives in winter. He’s an idiot so if you suggest something RWD he will probably not see the age of 17.
His budget is under 2000 dollars
No grand ams, corsicas, cavaliers…you know, domestics. Sorry.
Needs to run well, however body can be in poor condition.
Something cheap and relatively easy to fix if it happens to break.
If fixing it up looks-wise will increase value greatly, that’d be a nice plus.
So yeah, any ideas? I kinda want to suggest an older Subaru…
yeah…240sx will leave him dead, it’s rwd…he can’t drive worth a shit as it is. i would however have done that if it was me…either that or an EG. EG would be wierd since all my friends drive them and I kinda want one…haha. I know as gay as that sounds.