Help Needed - Funny Story

I left a can of pepsi in my car over the past couple days and yesterday it exploded all over the interior of my car!!

The problem is I just moved here form lethbridge, and I don’t have a heated garage, or know anyone in Calgary who does.

Basicly, I need a heated garage so I can wipe down and try and get the stickiness off everything in my car.

Another option is if anyone who works at an automotive detailing place could help me out by doing a quick and dirty job and letting me pay you on the 7th. I just moved and spent all my cash moving. But I have a job, a good one, I just budgeted poorly.

It’s a shitty car (topaz), so I’m not freaking out about ruining my car, but i’d like my ass to not get sticky.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance guys.

Same thing happened in my 180 but coke not pepsi!

this should be moved to the calgary section

just go to car wash or stop by deatailers

You should also think about drinking coke… mmmmmmmmm

yeah fuck pepsi.

Looks like i’ll just screaps all the icy pop off while it’s cold, throw a towel on the seat for now, wipe everything down the best I can, and when it warms up, go to town and clean the car.

Thats nothing

my first car was an 84 prelude and I had a 4 litre jug of milk in the backseat. By the time I realized the jug was leaking, about half of it had leaked all over the back interior. I of course cleaned it up, but about 2 weeks later that stale milk smell started to kick in :vom: and the car was ruined forever.
luckily it was a shitbox car with almost 400000kms.

Ya can never get rid of that smell!! As soon as the car heats up, BOOM this smell comes outta nowhere!! I had a car that someone had spilled cream in the back seat, I tried almost everything to mask the odor!!

Try taking your car to Rainbow Car Wash. They have a coin operated car wash and steam cleaners. The people that run the place are pretty cool. I’ve known them for awhile.

Sorry, forgot you were in Calgary…