help now? stuck at work. car won't start.

'99 subaru impreza 2.5rs
turned over, won’t start.
hooked it up to cables. no start.
just clicks.
tapped starter. no start.
hooked up to different cables. no start.
tried to push start like 7 times. no start.

battery is toast right?
called around, autozone doesn’t have listing for battery for my car. i can’t think of who else is open right now.

anyone know what battery i’m supposed to use?
i’m stuck at work and have limited access on the interwebz.

oh yeah - and some random dude said i’m not getting spark because we couldn’t push start it.


if it wont start with a jump, im thinking its more then just the battery.
Call a tow truck.

that was what i was suspecting, but i was hoping maybe i’d be lucky. i’m not calling a tow truck, i’m a broke ass bitch.

do you have gas in it, you need that

Autozone has a listing. You just spoke to some retard on the phone.

Check main fuses, make sure ground is secure, check that both battery cables are properly attached. Make sure positive charge cable on the top of the Alternator hasn’t come loose.

does it just click once? could be a starter solenoid, you can jump that
are you lights very dim, especially turning over? that would be a toasted battery

check all your connections like fuzzy said as well

thanks dudes. had my dad come down and check it out, we used his cables, it started right up. so i’m gonna have to assume that whoevers cables i used before were really shitty? eh, whatever. glad it was nothing major.

…if it turned over, its obviously not the starter or the battery, or the cables. This isn’t the last time your shit’s going to strand you. Look at your maintenance schedules for fuel filter, spark plugs and spark wires. You’re not getting fuel or spark if it turns over and doesn’t start, you seem to have gotten lucky when you went back.


Glad you got it going. I was just telling someone I was contemplating buyin the car, lol. I’d have been pretty upset.

It’s not the plugs, I just had a tune up. I keep up on maintence. I’m pretty sure the battery went dead. Time to replace that. It doesn’t even look like the right battery is in there. Who knows though.

A battery’s a battery’s a battery. If it cranks it works.

Did it turn over, like you said? Or is turning over “not doing anything” or “clicking oddly”.

If it was turning over but not starting, the battery is doing its job just fine and your issue is elsewhere.

Ok, you know when it turns over barely? Like, not enough to start? When your battery is ALMOST dead. That’s what I meant. Sorry.

Half turns over and stops? But doesn’t crank? Maybe starts clicking obnoxiously…yeah sounds like a battery. :smiley:

That’s what I was trying to say! Ha.

Either way, I still can’t find a listing for a battery. What the heck.


if you cant find a listing take the battery to an autozone or advanced. Make sure the CCA (cold cranking amps) are similar and that the terminals are in the same area. Other than that, as long as it fits in its place, and can be secured you’ll be just fine.

My advice is don’t call autobone, cause your car takes a basic 35 series battery

I’d check for loose grounds.