Help, purchacing race vehicle



my fastest lap was 50 seconds and idk about ITB cars, but spec miata runs best times of high 47-low 48 seconds.


ITB cars would be a few seconds slower than an SM car, so about 50 seconds. Are these times for the kart track? Will they let you run on the big track to test it out? Looks like mid 1:40’s are ITB times on the road course.

It’s been said before (in this thread and others) seat time is key. IF the car is solid, and you have the money then just buy it and try to setup as much seat time (track and/or auto-x ) as you can. Don’t spend any money on the car other than tires and general maintenance. The car looks like a good deal to me. If you can wiggle him down to $3500 it can’t hurt.

I agree that you should have the car inspected by your local SCCA/NASA/etc. tech inspector to make sure you don’t have any major headaches or expenses before you race.

My father bought a very similar car, '83 Rabbit GTI from a guy in Tennesee last year. The car had a “recent” log book, which turned out to be 2 years old. No big deal, but when he got the car home and ready for inspection, none of the welds in the upper hoop were complete. And the door bars were incorrect as well. Then, the Spax suspension was leaking, but you couldn’t tell because the car was still really stiff thanks to the springs. The car idles and puttered around a parking lot fine, but was a dog on the track. Tons of little annoying things in the engine bay including the ignition system, the mechanical fuel injection system, and the throttle cable. The car was built sometime back by a well known race shop, BSI (who now is known for Miatas), but they took quite a few shortcuts in putting this car together.

Even after sorting all of these issues out, the car is still pretty slooooooow on a track like Watkins Glen, maybe it’ll seem more competitive on a smaller, more technical track.

BTW, that price seems fair if there are quality spares included. My father got his for about that price with 3 sets of wheels, 3 trannys, 2 sets of engine internals and an extra (recently rebuilt) head. Misc. body panels were also in the mix.